lords and their wives

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Hi, I recently started doing some basic troop python stuff for a guy whos making a mod and I am wondering would it be possible to have the wives as active lords so that they can go out on patrol and defend castles?
Should be possible.  I'd start by moving the constant kingdom_heroes_end to kingdom_ladies_end and giving them some appropriate equipment.  There might be trouble with them not raising armies since they have no income and with their ideal party size (see party_get_ideal_size). 

Let us know what you find out.
Cool, I'll try that and edit this post with the answer.

first edit-would it be possible to limit the wives of certain lords, lets say of X-faction to X-faction's cities? and to spend 75% of their time in one city? I remember in .7something the lords stayed in the cities so that would be better that nothing.
Necro! Glorious necro! I bring thee back my old and faithful thread!

But seriously, I have been looking again at doing some modding now that I have some time on my hands and this is something that I would like to do, so would anybody have any ideas?
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