I was going through the walkthrough and I have 260 troops (in a few patrols), I own one of the castles from the Rhodoks but something strange. I've built the barracks, the practice range, prison tower, and messenger post, however the walkthrough says to wait in your castle for your Lord to spawn but he hasn't yet. How long does it take for a Lord to spawn? The strange thing is I don't have a personal Lord yet, but my castle is garrissoning troops from the nearby village.
Another thing is I've already been voted on to be the marshall of Swadia and won. I can give any current Lord an order, but I can't assign my castle to a Lord. Not sure whats going on.
Edit: I also get this error in the game:
"SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2324: Invalid Troop ID -1: Line NO: 121
At simple trigger trigger NO 102"
Any idea what this means? It only has given me that error since I got my castle and started getting troops garrisonned.
Another thing is I've already been voted on to be the marshall of Swadia and won. I can give any current Lord an order, but I can't assign my castle to a Lord. Not sure whats going on.
Edit: I also get this error in the game:
"SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2324: Invalid Troop ID -1: Line NO: 121
At simple trigger trigger NO 102"
Any idea what this means? It only has given me that error since I got my castle and started getting troops garrisonned.