loose horses

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Grandmaster Knight
I really hope in the expansion unmounted horses has some mild intelligence.

I was being chased by a horde of khergit style horseman (in a mod) and was happily picking them off as they got close to me, i got a good number of them before my warhorse reared when his path was obstructed by a sumpter horse. Horses arent stupid, a normal sane horse should avoid a mad frothing charging muscular warhorse, it should be natural protocol under any circumstances, do not, cut out in front of said warhorse and attempt to stop him.
Heedless of natural protocol, the horse cut in front of me, my warhorse, instead of headbutting the bastard of of his way, reared and was along with me, promptly cut to shreds by lice-ridden nomads.

Is there any way to make horses killable by melee, cos i would have, i saw him coming, i just couldnt stop, i would happily been presented with the option of planting the tip of my sword in its neck and continue running.

Rant over.
Good luck implementing that. Cus' usually, AI's don't really contain sentient intellegence. Unless it's Skynet. In which case, we're royally ****ed.
Should've paid more attention and jumped over the ****er. Would've slowed down your pursuants. :lol:
sounds like you would've died anyway, without the poor horse blocking your path - i mean, you got cut down by a few khergits , who is to say that you wouldnt have gotten stopped by an arrow 5 seconds later?
next time, dont fight people on horseback  :wink:
I don't know... with the exception of horses on a field that jump over obstacles in a competition... most horses wont jump over or dodge objects as easily as you would think. I would challenge you to go to a farm and ask to ride someones horse. Then have them jump in front of you while you're riding full speed waving a sword and screaming, or throw another horse in front of you. I would imagine just based on seeing horses around my home, that they would stop short rather than coast around.

Now don't get me wrong, I think there needs to be some improvements on the horses (when it comes to AI as unmounted, and their function while mounted) but I wouldn't go as far as to say that's particularly why. I personally would like to see the rider de-horsed when running full speed into another horseman (broadsided). I've most definitely seen that happen in real life.
If we are thinking about reality you also want to implement horses fear and getting out of control, usually horses for gigantic battles needed to be trained and have experience, normal horses in a battle field would just go nuts because of the battle sounds and horrors.

I agree with the change the AI, but I would also ask to not ask too much from the devs, reality is one damn hard thing to put into the game.
tommylaw said:
i saw him coming, i just couldnt stop
In such a case, jump. You can jump over stray horses, other riders, and even avoid trees that way. If a horse hits a tree while on the ground it will rear up, but if it hits a tree in mid-air it will go around it. Saved my life countless times.
Kazdum said:
If we are thinking about reality you also want to implement horses fear and getting out of control, usually horses for gigantic battles needed to be trained and have experience, normal horses in a battle field would just go nuts because of the battle sounds and horrors.

I agree with the change the AI, but I would also ask to not ask too much from the devs, reality is one damn hard thing to put into the game.

Yeah you'll have to remember that trained horses in a battlefield also refused to charge shield walls. Take Braveheart for example... the charge by the English into the spears... never would have happened that way. Most horses would veer off or stop before they run headlong into something. I would imagine it took a TON of training just to get them to jump over the camera.

Most horses were effective in routing the enemy from the flanks in combat scenarios. Most often when those things showed up to the sides of a shield wall, then men got flustered and broke ranks. But rarely do you have documentation of them plunging themselves into men, shields, spears, swords, etc. They may not have the brains we do, but horses are smart creatures.
What're you talking about, the heavy cavalry charge had dominated the battlefield for hundreds of years. :roll: But yeah, you do have to train the horse for it, an untrained horse wouldn't perform very well at the task.
Ringwraith #5 said:
What're you talking about, the heavy cavalry charge had dominated the battlefield for hundreds of years. :roll: But yeah, you do have to train the horse for it, an untrained horse wouldn't perform very well at the task.

Research cavalry... the hundreds of years you're talking about consisted of the men dismounting before battles and fighting mostly on foot. Very few battles actually consisted of Hollywood charges into lines and lines of men. They would have needed a significant advantage of terrain in order to carry out an attack like that and it still would not have been in a frontline fashion against a shield wall/phalanx of men.

tommylaw said:
Is there any way to make horses killable by melee, cos i would have, i saw him coming, i just couldnt stop, i would happily been presented with the option of planting the tip of my sword in its neck and continue running.

You can kill horses unmounted horses by filling them with arrows, but it takes a couple, so it probably would not have solved your problem.

The other way to take out Khergits is to ride to the edge of the battle map and stop - they all line up in a neat line beside you at the edge trying to shoot you down, and with good enough archery you can take them all out with 2 quivers of arrows.
Lord Shields said:
Ringwraith #5 said:
What're you talking about, the heavy cavalry charge had dominated the battlefield for hundreds of years. :roll: But yeah, you do have to train the horse for it, an untrained horse wouldn't perform very well at the task.

Research cavalry... the hundreds of years you're talking about consisted of the men dismounting before battles and fighting mostly on foot.

Um, yeah. I did research cavalry and I found out that the word means "soldiers who fight on horseback". :roll:
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