I really hope in the expansion unmounted horses has some mild intelligence.
I was being chased by a horde of khergit style horseman (in a mod) and was happily picking them off as they got close to me, i got a good number of them before my warhorse reared when his path was obstructed by a sumpter horse. Horses arent stupid, a normal sane horse should avoid a mad frothing charging muscular warhorse, it should be natural protocol under any circumstances, do not, cut out in front of said warhorse and attempt to stop him.
Heedless of natural protocol, the horse cut in front of me, my warhorse, instead of headbutting the bastard of of his way, reared and was along with me, promptly cut to shreds by lice-ridden nomads.
Is there any way to make horses killable by melee, cos i would have, i saw him coming, i just couldnt stop, i would happily been presented with the option of planting the tip of my sword in its neck and continue running.
Rant over.
I was being chased by a horde of khergit style horseman (in a mod) and was happily picking them off as they got close to me, i got a good number of them before my warhorse reared when his path was obstructed by a sumpter horse. Horses arent stupid, a normal sane horse should avoid a mad frothing charging muscular warhorse, it should be natural protocol under any circumstances, do not, cut out in front of said warhorse and attempt to stop him.
Heedless of natural protocol, the horse cut in front of me, my warhorse, instead of headbutting the bastard of of his way, reared and was along with me, promptly cut to shreds by lice-ridden nomads.
Is there any way to make horses killable by melee, cos i would have, i saw him coming, i just couldnt stop, i would happily been presented with the option of planting the tip of my sword in its neck and continue running.
Rant over.