looking good or protected

Would you rather have good looking armor or armor that protects you?

  • Good lookin' armor

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  • strong as hell

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Hey I just wanted to know the opinion of your armor choices. :smile: And there is an armor called black armor which looks good and protects you.
Yep, I have Black Armor, and a Black Hemlet they're pretty nice. I rather have looks then protection, because I use a shield which helps alot. :wink:
I have no shield, which makes archers my prime enemy >: (.

Normally the only three things that can stop me are.

A: Ranging weapons

B: That *()#@!ing crouched lance

C: My horse goes down...
Fluffy The Hamster said:
I have no shield, which makes archers my prime enemy >: (.

Normally the only three things that can stop me are.

A: Ranging weapons

B: That *()#@!ing crouched lance

C: My horse goes down...
I agree with Fluffy. Archers are my enemy because even though i have a shield they are so damn good that they break it before i even get within 21 feet. :evil:
Does anyone play NeverWinter Nights? It's kind of the same situation in that game. "Dragon Plate Armor or Robe of fire Resistence+1?" :?:
I did, but I never got that far....

Another example. Anyone play Dungeon Siege? The highest armor's rating..I think..Is 457..or 600 something...I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.

The coolest robe in my opinion has an armor rating of 96.

Which one do I use? The robe with my cool hat on.

If your wondering who I am. I be Tak, the worst level 150 on zonematch!
I flat out refuse to wear black armour when i am carrying a quiver on my back.

My beserker character is using good armour (full plate and a guard helmet)
I chose the guard helmet because it's the best one that doesn't obscure the face.

My ghengis kim character is all decked out to look like a mongol, so he refuses to wear anything other than a steppe helmet.
Yeah, gotta say I like the black armor, though it is really expensive, and heavy. It does make you look pretty hardcore though. I'm using thick black armor, a black helm, and black greaves, and it cost me half a fortune. :razz: Oh, and I think shields are indespensible, Fluffy.. if you get unhorsed in the middle of a clump of enemies, or are being shot at, especially. My steel shield has kept me going on more than one occasion until my men arrived to distract the hordes attacking me.
Great lance, balanced sword of war, khergit bow + +3 damage arrows or large bag of jarids/axes. Thick black armour, tihck black boots, black helm, spirited charger, cheats. My cheat charactor is the only onew the I can load from a saved game.
the riding-around-the-group-slashing-them tactic is invaluable to my Marquise Raisk, who (for some reason) likes to dress only in a felt hat and and hunterboots.

so needless to say i go for style instead of protection :lol:

same problem in morrowind... should i use my full daedric set.. or just the really cool robes.
My Vaegir Barbarian is using Khergit armour, hide boots, and a reinforced nomad cap (not sure about the name of that one). Matches the axe very nicely:smile:

When I play a knight type character I prefer heraldric armour, heather shield, and flat-topped helmet. Any boots but black will do.

Other stylish garments:
Guard helmet, helm with neckguard (I like the norman-looking helmets)
Great helmet.

Ugly stuffs that I'd never use:
Black helmet (the graphics make it look weird when you put it on)

I'm giving Marnid and Borcha stronger stuffs, but still try to keep some sort of theme to them. Borcha is a horse archer with khergit bow, nomad sabre, round shield, spiked helmet, mail hauberk, and chain boots. Marnid uses great axe, nordic helmet, mail hauberk, and javelins.

Unfortunately all horses save the crappy steppe horse look too civilized for my barbarian. He is riding a spirited courser atm.
PrinceScamp said:
Great lance, balanced sword of war, khergit bow + +3 damage arrows or large bag of jarids/axes. Thick black armour, tihck black boots, black helm, spirited charger, cheats. My cheat charactor is the only onew the I can load from a saved game.

^^^ That = Lame

If your going to cheat , Be like my guy

255 helm armor , 255 chest armor + 255 leg armor from same peice , 255 leg armor seperate , lvl 50 , 800+ weapon skill's , all attribute's capped , horse with 50 speed , 20 manuever and 255 charge dmg , bow of death - 180 speed , 1 damage. Then you have + 2 255 arrow 255 dmg bodkin arrow's. Then theres the Sword Of N00b , 255 slash dmg , 190 speed , 255 thrust dmg.

I never play that character though , it's to dam boring , it's simply *Wack* and they die every time , or maybe i want to do my pin point accurate arrow shot that goes speed of a bullet :razz: *Wack* again....Cheating really does make a good game a bad game.

Atm im playing a Female Farmer who is forced to use cloth ONLY , And farmer weapon's.
Also no companion's except farmer's.
I'm using Mag7 and playing a Berserker/viking char.

Hardened Leather Jerkin

Reinforced Nordic Helm

Leather Boots

Heavy Battle Axe

3x Throwing Axes

He's hawt.
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