Looking for someone in Estonia to help me with buying MB

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Actually my credit card is not accepted by eSellerate either paypal,so i have nothing left to do except asking someone to help me with that.
its not a piracy,i just want to buy the new serial key,i mean the whole game from official site,but with help of a human in estonia who has a card wich is accepted.
i hope someone would help. :cry:

After centuries of Danish, Swedish, German, and Russian rule, Estonia attained independence in 1918. Forcibly incorporated into the USSR in 1940, it regained its freedom in 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since the last Russian troops left in 1994, Estonia has been free to promote economic and political ties with Western Europe. It joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004.

Good luck in your hunt m1x3r.
?!?!How many counries are there in world.i learned 3 more in this forum :lol:
Nairagorn said:
According to the US state dept. there's 192 recognized countries.

Taiwan meets most of the requirements of independent country or state status. However, due to political reasons, it fails to be recognized by the United States and much of the rest of the world. So, could be 193, depending on who you ask.
Wow!193!!i know few of them :lol:
Taiwan IS recognized by around 20 countries. So I think it's safe to assume they are a national identity. I'm half-Taiwanese by the way.

in a matter of country discussion...
Next country form eastern europe group- Poland, what is here wonderful?? - In this country there are still <censored> problems with paypall and similar kinds of activities and if (just theoretically :wink: ) I had had to buy for an example M&B in a box I would have to pay twice- this second would be post fare. hurray, long live EU :lol:

For general purpose of recognition: this country is between Russia and Germany :grin:
yes, You're right.

but also we've got wonderful nurse :lol: (i'm not sure if she already walked into europe, but there were such plans :smile:)
quixotecoyote said:
If you want to send me a check, money order, or paypal, I'll buy a serial # for you. Email me at [email protected]

But as a rule you shouldn't trust strangers on forums.

Hmmn ... now there's a buisiness plan idea ... buy credit card credits by cheque etc for a reasonable commission :wink:
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