Looking for Oni no Ran, tripation...

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Hi guys, as you see I'm looking for Oni no ran mod or tripation, or any Asian mod with Chinese-Japanese amours, I know some mod have them like ROK or Freedom, but it still not satisfy me. So if you know some mod please show me, I search for Oni no ran but it seemed like for 9.03 and I wonder if they upgrade it or not? Same for Tripation as they promised it will be upgrade for M&B 1.xx version

Thank you, nice day^^!
The Chinese M&B Community is still working on the Tripartion mod, whereas Onin no Ran... it's pretty much dead by now.
Nah, they are still working on porting it over.

I just saw on mbx that they have a dev only version out, and they are hunting for all the old native textures/models and removing them.
Eumolpus said:
The Chinese M&B Community is still working on the Tripartion mod, whereas Onin no Ran... it's pretty much dead by now.

That's actually in reverse, IIRC. Onin no Ran is still in development, but there are no plans to port the Tripartition.
Eh wrong Fei Dao, according to chinese forums theyr still working on tripartion.
Well to my understanding of the Chinese language and this thread i am still totally confuse if either are still being worked on.

Why cant every language be English so i can understand it. :mrgreen:
onuslife said:
Well to my understanding of the Chinese language and this thread i am still totally confuse if either are still being worked on.

Why cant every language be English so i can understand it. :mrgreen:

そうだったら面白くないですよ! 語学ばんざい!! 

Learning languages is fun  :grin:

Speaking of which, why don't we have a Japanese M&B forum? Or a Japanese language mod for Onin no Ran, for that matter? (Maybe I should suggest this?)
Mostly because the Japanese speaking M&B players are quite few in number, and there has never been any interest expressed for a separate forum. Perhaps if you could find enough people, you could petition for a separate language forum. That's how many of the other language forums came into being, anyhow.

Munx said:
Eh wrong Fei Dao, according to chinese forums theyr still working on tripartion.

Cool, I didn't know that. Haven't checked the Chinese forums in months, so I didn't know.
speaking of which anyone got a link to the 903 version of onin no ran ? MBR one was replaced :sad:
agree! I miss Oni no ran so much :neutral:
I hope the new mod L5R can do better but i still waiting for Oni no ran, their amours and weapons sure good.
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