Looking for a good BodyProperties code "range" that I can use in my own mod

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I'm looking for a BodyProperties code range (that is, a min and a max) which results in characters who cannot have physically-impossible faces. I don't particularly need the characters to be good-looking (although that'd be nice), but I need them to be within the real human range.

I've found a mod that does a passable job of this, but it isn't perfect; the negative eye-slant (that is, when the inner eye is higher than the outer eye) tends to be more extreme than any human I've ever seen. But even if that weren't a problem, the author of that mod disallows using his work without his permission, and hasn't responded to my message after several days (and hasn't logged on in over a month).

So, does anyone know of a code range which I am allowed to use, which results in characters with as much variety as possible, without ever leaving the realm of normal human possibility? I'm specifically looking for female codes at present, but a male range would also be useful later.
Well, they were even less helpful there than here. In response to my query there, someone posted a nonsense meme image, and someone else said "just write your own."

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