Longer lasting food?

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Does the more expensive foods last longer? I've been feeding my army with grain and I just bought alot more units and its going down way way to fast.

P.S. (Sorry if there is already a thread like this.)
Check out the forum subjects about making money, all food seems to run out at the same rate but grain is the lowest form of food for the troops. I would rather eat termites.
I usually sustain my troops on fish. The main reason being is that its not too expensive when compared to meat, and it has less weight...so it slows your party down less when you're carrying that extra unit. Plus bandits frequently drop it, so you seldom have to buy new. The food you choose doesn't matter enough in the end to worry thinking about though...
My troops get hungry when they see Sir Saladins Avatar :razz:

Yepp, you can also put horses in the food slot - yummy
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