Long term goals

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I may be missing something, but I don't think there are any major long term goals in this game are there? I mean, it's a great game, awesome fighting system with lots of possibilities to it, but something I think it's missing is a more broad set of goals.
How about capturing cities? Or maybe, if you earn a certain rank with a nation, being allowed to lead a group of builders to a strategic point at which you can construct a tower that will help defend the land? Maybe there could be towers already in there, and you would have to siege them in order for your side to gain control of that area, and in doing so, open up the possibility of taking over another town.
How about reputation? If you are known for killing forest bandits all the time without pity, the forest bandits begin to send their most powerful men after you? Mercenary side missions where you could assasinate leaders, who would have a special AI and be tricky to kill? Maybe if your reputation goes up as a mercenary, you start seeing wanted posters around towns and bounty hunters will hunt you down, should you be defeated by them, you are sent to a prison and lose your weapons and armor or such, and gain less favored repuatation?
I don't know, it's fun to throw ideas around, but I think it'd be nice to not only affect the outcome of the (awesome) battles that take place, but to really have an effect on the world in specific and unique ways.

Cool, thanks for reading!

Very good, I like some of your ideas. One idea of my own that has been bouncing around...

You go to a certain Count/Duke/King, and he informs you that the Vaegir/Swadians are gathering forces for an attack on a certain city. You go there to join in the defense, and the battle begins. Defenders have archers and whatnot posted on the rooftops, etc. And you fight it out inside the city, you and your party and your nation's defenders vs The Attackers.

And vice versa, with you and your party assaulting a city. And if you win, you get loot, and you become the Count of that City, getting taxes every so often and the cream of the hiring, as well as the ability to dispatch raiding parties, scouts, war parties, and caravans. If you controlled enough, you could quite possibly assault the other nation's Capital. (Rivacheg and Sargoth, I think.)
these ideas are stated every so often but would make the game so much better than it already is... each battle couuld be unique and different
i was actually wondering, why do everyone just wander around in the game, well i can understand the Hunters and man hunters and so on but why do the Vaegirans and Swadians just wander around when they should march straight towards the enemy.

and the taking control of the areas thing would make it even more important that they do it.

and wouldn't it be great if you get the mission collect 12 vaegir footmen and bring em to me and when you do then a new party of 12 vaegir foormen walk around ? i mean.. they just vanish lol
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