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Won a game as jungle annie today. Made the enemy Vayne, Renekton and Udyr so ****ing mad it was crazy. Renekton kept calling me an autist, Udyr kept telling me to go "back to your anime ******" while Vayne kept saying I was useless and it was only Sona's **** skills that were letting her die even though I could quite literally stroll up to her and tibbers on her.

Jungle annie is crazy and doesn't work for **** but it was fun to troll the enemy thinking they had it easy :razz:
**** sakes, my latest LP gain has been  5, 9, then 5 again. I bet I drop 20 with a loss. Does the system want me to stay silver forever?
Eh, so those 20 point rises were just to help me get back to the place I used to be and below 10 is a completely normal LP gain?

****, now getting up a tier seems a gargantuan undertaking if I have to crawl 5 points at a time.
Goddamnit, it's always "depends", "consistency" and "MMR" with this ****. I don't understand any of it! I take it that from here on, if I want to get anywhere its 5 points at a time.
Amagic said:
Goddamnit, it's always "depends", "consistency" and "MMR" with this ****. I don't understand any of it! I take it that from here on, if I want to get anywhere its 5 points at a time.
Oh, it'll get worse actually.

When you're in the 90s of League I of any tier, you'll be getting 1-2 LP each.

It took me a while to make plat as well. A loooong while.
They do it to make sure you actually belong in that league, my promotion into gold consisted of about 10 straight wins to get to 100 p for promo matches. After all, you wouldn't want an influx of players into any league that don't actually have the skill to be there.
Winning streaks are statistically speaking not supposed to happen as often as that, so if true that's an unrealistic method of determining promotions. You could win the overwhelming majority of your games and yet never be promoted based on not winning more than a certain number of games in a row.
Kawee said:
Amagic said:
Goddamnit, it's always "depends", "consistency" and "MMR" with this ****. I don't understand any of it! I take it that from here on, if I want to get anywhere its 5 points at a time.
Oh, it'll get worse actually.

When you're in the 90s of League I of any tier, you'll be getting 1-2 LP each.

It took me a while to make plat as well. A loooong while.
I am in Gold 1. Still getting about 15-20 points per win. Getting to promo happens all the time. But in the end I get lucky with the teams when trying to get to promo, then luck turns against me and I got horrible people during the promo. Oh well, eventually I'll get through.
Kawee said:
Amagic said:
Goddamnit, it's always "depends", "consistency" and "MMR" with this ****. I don't understand any of it! I take it that from here on, if I want to get anywhere its 5 points at a time.
Oh, it'll get worse actually.

When you're in the 90s of League I of any tier, you'll be getting 1-2 LP each.

It took me a while to make plat as well. A loooong while.

Really? Then I should probably just stay Silver I rather than running the gauntlet of soloqueue. That **** is seriously not worth it.
Olaf is getting buffed. But I already play with him and I say it's only hard against garen and aatrox as far as i've seen
I get about 10-20 LP when winning in Silver 1, and lose roughly the same. I feel like high Silver is as good as I am. To say I am a Gold player, would be lying. I still do stupid things from time to time that I should not be doing.

Rhox said:
Olaf is getting buffed. But I already play with him and I say it's only hard against garen and aatrox as far as i've seen

I completely trashed an Olaf as Kayle the other day, and he just claimed he was doing "proxy Olaf". Proxy eh? How come I'm ahead of you in farm, kills and I'm now going to go wreck the rest of your team while you try to push top down.
I had a period when I got exactly 2LP every won game for who knows how many games. Lost ones took exactly 10LP. I said screw that and decided to remain in Silver I and abandon playing altogether. I don't even want to know how the system works, it's not really a motivating one and I thought that was the reason they made it in the first place...
The motivation is the fact that once you get to your desired Division you can stay there. Instead where before an unlucky losing streak would send you crashing to bronze.
Rhox said:
Olaf is getting buffed. But I already play with him and I say it's only hard against garen and aatrox as far as i've seen
Nobody plays Garen up here, lad. Olaf would get destroyed by the strong top laners right now. The likes of Ryze, Kennen, and Quinn would eat him alive.
Ah, **** my life. Finally get to play a mid lane. Guess what, the one time I don't jungle, the jungler is doing it for his FIRST time EVER. Yeah, so we had a Voli who literally sat in his jungle, taking every buff for himself, for about 30 minutes. Well, he must have built tanky surely? Nope, Berserks Greaves, Stinger, and Mallet.

When I complained about the fact when I don't jungle it's always someone incredibly ****ing bad the enemy mid laner (TF, I was Panth) said I should of stomped him, but I couldn't when Aatrox was literally mid lane ALL the time. For about the first 15 minutes I literally could not step forward without Aatrox showing his face in a ward. I kept up in farm meanwhile derpibear just afk farmed the jungle instead of growing a brain and helping top and bot while I am camped mid.

Eh, I just suspect the TF was mad that even though I was behind I could still 100-0 him from nowhere and had to rub it in my face he won.
Kawee said:
Rhox said:
Olaf is getting buffed. But I already play with him and I say it's only hard against garen and aatrox as far as i've seen
Nobody plays Garen up here, lad. Olaf would get destroyed by the strong top laners right now. The likes of Ryze, Kennen, and Quinn would eat him alive.

Eh, I hate people who play ranged on top -_- even when I'm not on top. Yesterday a Tristana ap owned top against a Fizz. But her team lost the game. Why? She didn't pick a melee tank/bruiser and I as jungler could protect my adc from her. Still, she ****ed up top -_-
Maboobs said:
Ah, **** my life. Finally get to play a mid lane. Guess what, the one time I don't jungle, the jungler is doing it for his FIRST time EVER. Yeah, so we had a Voli who literally sat in his jungle, taking every buff for himself, for about 30 minutes. Well, he must have built tanky surely? Nope, Berserks Greaves, Stinger, and Mallet.

When I complained about the fact when I don't jungle it's always someone incredibly ****ing bad the enemy mid laner (TF, I was Panth) said I should of stomped him, but I couldn't when Aatrox was literally mid lane ALL the time. For about the first 15 minutes I literally could not step forward without Aatrox showing his face in a ward. I kept up in farm meanwhile derpibear just afk farmed the jungle instead of growing a brain and helping top and bot while I am camped mid.

Eh, I just suspect the TF was mad that even though I was behind I could still 100-0 him from nowhere and had to rub it in my face he won.
You're an ass. It's not his fault he is bad.
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