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Matthieu said:
Irelia is less this season, since they deleted ionic spark.
I never even thought about Ionic Spark on her.
My build was always Triforce + GA rush.
Early game items would depend, GP5 if I was destroying lane or 3 dorans if I was loosing.
Well I was thinking, Boots + 4 pots to start with, b when you can get phage, spare money spend on dorans blade(New passive stacks with her W :eek:). That should give you plenty of sustain for staying in lane and farming.
I just got suspended after losing a ranked game because of League of Legends giving me a bugsplat...

wtf LoL, you kick me out and I get banned for it :sad:?
Matthieu did you get a link to a tribunal case? If not, how many games have you left in the past 2-3 weeks?
I've left, dc'ed, and trolled a number of games. Never been warned, let alone banned. You must have been on a hot streak in a short period of time.
Matthieu said:
Probably the above.
Well first I thought that you've maybe been a victim of the tribunal, but since you got no email, it must be the leaver buster. There's nothing else (I think) that you'll get a ban out of (expect for RP fraud or something like that but that's always permanent). If you are feeling innocent maybe post in a support ticket?
I was just complaining here, it was indeed the leaver buster that kicked me and it was a bugsplat at the beginning of the game followed by me pressing the wrong thing on windows update, ( you know when you have to choose between shutting off the pc now or later )
which lead to a 6 minute free farm for their gp and a lot of kills on bot lane ( because they were utter ****e. )
Well, it was only for a day, but it still sucked. I made some quick elo though when I got back. ( finally getting a non feeding bot lane )

I'd rather have a passive bot lane who only farms ( kog nunu? ) than a risky feeding bot lane. And, most of the time they wont let me top =/
TitanToe said:
Holy ****e Kha'zix is insane, does anyone know how to play against him effectively? He deals insane damage and has an amazing escape/gap closer which refreshes on kills and assist. It makes poor Titan cry.
Has Kha'Zix been buffed? Last time I saw him/played him he dealt very low amounts of damage compared to other top-laners/junglers. He fell off the radar like the second day after he was released because no-one could really make use of him very well.
When does he start winning over you? Kha'Zix is really only good in the mid-game, if played right and the enemy plays wrong. He doesn't have enough damage at the start to really do anything, and he doesn't have anything to do in teamfights. He deals decent damage if you're alone, so don't roam if you're facing him on top. He will find you, and he will kill you. Stay very close to your minions. You don't need to be that far away from the minions to be marked as isolated. Towers work as well. Don't go up against him one-on-one, wait for jungler or mid to roam up to top, and try to entice him into jumping offensively. It only refreshes on kills and has fairly long cooldown. Furthermore, his natural sustain is terrible and requires him to go into melee range with minions. Poke from far away and go in for a trade if he goes in towards minions, as then you won't be isolated and will likely be able to outtrade him. And if you need to run from him, once again, try to remember to stay near minions and towers if possible. Sometimes when you're facing Kha'Zix, you're likelier to survive if you stand put near minions then if you run and expose your neck. Who do you play as by the way?

Also, are there any other Viktor players out there? I've been thinking recently about his augments. I generally stick with Death augment, but I've been thinking about using Gravity Augment, considering late-game most of your viability will come from the Field and Chaos storm, which will enable you to hit an easy death ray if you can get a good initiate with the field, so maybe it'd be worth to get the gravity augment? Has anyone tried it?
I used to play Viktor, probably the strongest mid from level 1-10 and scales well late game.
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