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Astinus said:
Yeah Vayne is highly Alistar dependent, Taric and Nunu can work too but Alistar is way more capable of defending her AND forcing aggressive plays.

Vayne needs more babysitting than any other carry
I think Blitzcrank and maybe Nautilus work better than Taric and Nunu though.
Holy ****ing ****. A couple of hours watching Zekent stream and suddenly LoL feels like such a nice game with such lovely and happy people.

The guy's so damn nice about everything that I'm almost able to believe that I'm playing the game for some other reason than to torment myself. :razz:
Mulek said:
Arch3r said:
I hate Lee Sin. No matter what skin.

afk hf

Also, I think Diana is pretty awesome and versatile. Assassin AP carry mid (like Akali) or assassin jungler (not really anything available like that yet, I think) as well as tanky DPS both look very much viable.
Personally I think Deathfire Grasp will be one of the best items on her. the 15% CDR is very important for her survivability that comes from her shield as well as adding to her already good burst obviously.
Any of you tried her on PBE yet? I'm personally thinking of the following jungle build:
Boots + 3 -> Lucky pick (junglers need money items imo) -> (Optional Dorans Ring ->) Early sheen -> Lucidity Boots -> DFG -> Rylai's -> Lichbane -> Raba's. The game is probably over by then, but the Dorans could be sold for a Zhonya's.
Had no chance, dern instalockers :sad:

I am thinking about trying almost pure AP bulid on jungle Fizz - it might work, the burst would be much higher in comparison to my regular bruiser/hybrid build. But I would have to land the fish then :razz:
It would be nice to see more AP junglers. I think it might shift the meta a little too, making top/mid a little more random.
My team plays assassin mid as our meta, but it'd be nice to switch the assassin to jungle so our mid can be someone with heaps of AoE abilities for heavy teamfight damage support.
Kawee said:
Matthieu said:
Muay Thai is pretty weird sport too xD
I'm Thai. I resent that statement. :mad:

Especially since that skin celebrates the Thai launch, which I worked on.

wut? I just think the sport's weird, not thai people or the thai launch :p.

Amagic said:
Bruce Lee skin is way more awesome IMO.


Arch3r said:
I hate Lee Sin. No matter what skin.

You... infidel!11111!11!!!!one!11!!1
Maboobs said:
It would be nice to see more AP junglers. I think it might shift the meta a little too, making top/mid a little more random.
Well, seeing as Zyra can jungle, and Diana's being designed a jungle also, that seems to be happening.

Oh, and about jungle Zyra... I was going to do that, until it turned out we were 3v4. So yeah, had to go mid without any MR/an ignite, which is why the AP Yi on the opposing team managed to get a couple of kills on my to start with. However, with three gp/10 and farming both my lane and all the jungle using plants I got massively farmed and found out how to kill a fed AP Yi: Burst him from full to zero before he can use his heal. :razz: Proceed to towerdive the Soraka who DID get heals off, if fed enough.

Edit: Holy ****, I think Nashor's could definitely be a thing on Diana. That passive is stronk.
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