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What he meant was she is OP in a troll way. With good range and a reliable stun, you are able to dish out damage in a safe distance, and with items like Phantom and Hextech Gunblade-Trinity-Nashor, it is better than a bruiser trying to play adc.
Yo i'm trying to make a point where any ranged hero could be played as an ad carry (except Karthus), even Soraka and Annie has a good range to cover up their weakness of right click attacks, farm up some items and you can still rek people late game.
Of course anything with range can be played as ADC. Doesn't mean it automatically works. If I tried Annie or Soraka adc in plat I would get crushed by ACTUAL adc's in this patch.

Oh and rek in late game? In the current meta? Not a ****ing chance.
I'm really coming around to post-rework Sona.

She's a bit tricky to learn in lane since she's super squichy, so you have to be careful. However, you can be a real bully, and make quite a bit of money. I've found frozen gauntlet and Ardent Crescent work really well on her.

Lord Tryko said:
Kennen adc works... kinda. If you get ahead early and your team protects you in fights exceptionally well, it can work. Still wouldn't recommend.
It was popular in EU for a while, wasn't it?
My friend and I made a little something for another friend of ours.

To any wondering what the match was, it was a 4-17 loss in a Co-op vs A.I as Ezreal

Congratz man! Matthieu's right, no easy feat.

Meanwhile, I made a pause of about 6 months or so. Now I'm in Silver III. At first I was all 'wtf, why rito, why?!', but I'm actually enjoying not having to tryhard to win. Just playin Morde and Morg jungle, adc TF and similar and having a lot of fun while still managing to win enough games.  :lol:
I was somewhere low silver last I played... it just feels like the game wasn't going anywhere...


Now I'm definitely stopping for a bit  :lol:
I'm awful at this game and haven't hit level 30 yet in my something close to four years playing, probably. But I just had a really fun game as Nidalee support. They were winning early in kills by a large measure, but they were all on their Fiora, so the rest were on par with us. Ended up being hit and run guerrilla insurgent master e1337. Just ran around their jungle popping out and boosting my attack speed to wreck their towers and inhibs before melting back into the greenery. The best parts were when they kept having strong push opportunities after winning a team fight but then two of them broke off to come run across the map hunting me while I kited them around with my spears in their own jungle and the other three got nuked down by my respawning team, which then came up and mopped the confused half health jungle explorers.
I almost never play unless I'm in a premade, so I've played a long time, but not all too many games. And I have spells where I come and go for half-year periods. Pretty depressing when I recently started playing again and started asking all my old Warband clanmates only to have them tell me the uninstalled it or stopped playing  :cry:
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