Peton said:
Mage246 said:
We must be talking about a different glitter lance, because the one I know is quite difficult I dodge well when fired in a way designed to maximize the amount of space covered. Plus Hax basically has to run right at you to get in jumping range, which makes him easier to hit.
Well any skillshot fired well is difficult to dodge, but a simple Q from the average Lulu is easy to sidestep even while moving towards them unless they E the minion wave and Q off that so you have two glitter lances to dodge (maximizing the space covered) thats where it gets difficult, most Lulu's don't do that and just focus on shielding themselves or E'ing their lane opponent for the guaranteed point and click damage.
Also like I said earlier you can just use the top lane brushes to Q from whenever she goes to farm the minion wave, which shes likely pushing in anyway since shes Lulu.
What Amagic said about trinkets, plus you do realize that you just admitted that a good Lulu automatically ****s down Jax, right? If a well-fired skill shot is difficult to dodge, and if that skill shot keeps Jax from doing damage (plus she still has Whimsy, anyway), then in a fight between two good players, the Lulu player has a huge advantage.
Assuming the Lulu can't aim for **** makes no sense. It's not one of the more difficult skill shots.