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with this new patch I lost my char as most of you did, can anyone discover a way to get it back? I wasted some time and trouble getting full black set, warhorse and heavy double axe


Cheatmode is the best way. Just enable it in the rglconfig file and then give yourself whatever level/money you had before plus enough extra to buy your equipment back. Then turn cheat mode back off.

There will be no way to distinguish that character from your old one with the exception of any prefixes you had on items like, "thick, balanced" or whatever.
i did that and my char is lv20 again with same str, but instead of having 71hp like it had, it has 57. Whats going on? Why is the Black Set so cheap now? I bought black helmet for like 10k and now i bought for 2k...

Can someone explain me?

The denar has appreciated in value since 0.632. :grin:

Everything costs less, but the money you make in the game has decreased also (not counting cheat mode :wink: ).

The skills have changed somewhat also. Ironflesh only gives 2 hitpoints now rather than 3. It now takes two points of strength to gain a hitpoint.

Hope that answers your questions,

Narcissus said:
The denar has appreciated in value since 0.632. :grin:

Everything costs less, but the money you make in the game has decreased also (not counting cheat mode :wink: ).

The skills have changed somewhat also. Ironflesh only gives 2 hitpoints now rather than 3. It now takes two points of strength to gain a hitpoint.

Hope that answers your questions,


The health cap is so painful when you can get hit for more health than you'll ever have :razz:
I really dislike the new hp cap, not like it mattered a lot before, but staying a touney match and being killed the firsts ec of the fight form a single arrow sucks. Getting killed by a regular fight even. :sad:
Battles are now far quicker and more brutal. One thing that's good is that with some quick reflexes, you can now down Dranton with two good swipes.

It somewhat levels the playing field in the arena for you against the heroes though you also get the humiliation of getting owned by regular fighters.
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