Loading Saved Game Troubles YET AGAIN!

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Ganja Knight

High guys,

Well I recently got back into playing the game after laying off for a while, and then I realized why I stopped in the first place: the save game bug was simply making it impossible to progress much.

Take my latest character. I got him to level 18 with 60.000+ and a large army under his command. Fun stuff, running around beating up everyone.

Then the load crash occurs - blue screen of death.
I do the 'replace corrupted saved game file with old_game file and rename it as such' trick, but it didn't work! I had restored a corrupted saved game with this same character previously, but now, it did not work.
Can't figure out why, pretty pissed. Put an entire day of off-work procrastination into this character man, and now it looks like its gone.

Any ideas?

Thx guys
Good luck. I had a similar problem that pretty much ruined the game for me, and was completely ignored by taleworlds. I have not played the game since.

A few decent posters tried to help me, and that was much appreciated. I just hate it when I pay for something and have a problem and get the cold shoulder.
Ganja Knight said:
Well I recently got back into playing the game after laying off for a while, and then I realized why I stopped in the first place: the save game bug was simply making it impossible to progress much.

I wish I could help you, Ganja ... but I can't. Hopefully Armagan will get a spare moment and offer a possible solution ... or possibly someone with more 'know-how' than I have, could offer some advice ... :sad:

maddog1331 said:
Good luck. I had a similar problem that pretty much ruined the game for me, and was completely ignored by taleworlds. I have not played the game since.

A few decent posters tried to help me, and that was much appreciated. I just hate it when I pay for something and have a problem and get the cold shoulder.

Sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience, maddog 1331. I'm sure that Armagan wasn't trying to give you the cold shoulder ... you must remember that the man is busy and might not have time to solve every quirk that appears at this stage of development. I realize that it seems like I'm down-playing your experience/problem, but I truthfully don't mean to. I wish you the best of luck with getting M&B running problem-free and hope that you don't give up on such a great game. A fix to your problem will be found, I'm sure, so try not to despair.

The main problem with Mount and Blade right now, is that while it has that special something that makes it HYPER addictive, the crippling bugs frustrate the player so much that it undermines the gaming experience.

Since losing my high-level character, I spent about 5 fun-filled hours a few nights ago with a new character. I was fleshing him out pretty well when suddenly the game crashed in the middle of a battle, and then the save game (out of date) failed to load.. >:sad:

It really is unfair when a game tempts you with fun-filled rank climbing and punishes you with crash bugs that ruin everything you've done for the past 6 hours of play.
I hope the next patch addresses this question mainly. Solving this issue alone would make the game a helluva lot more enjoyable for me, and I would bet for many other people as well.
Thanks for the reply Narcissus. It is posters like yourself whom I really appreciated, trying to help even though there was no direct benefit to them.

What I think would be wise would be that Armagan do some type of direct support for those actually paying for him to further the game. When there is no response to an inquiry, it is really aggravating. I realize he is developing the game and all, but I do think it would be wise if he at least had someone address issues for the paying customers as a highest priority, since we are the ones allowing him to further his work.

Or, for that matter, do more with putting a listing of known bugs and fixes in one place (the best place would be directly on the website, IMO), instead of folks trying to search through so many posts to try to find help.

Creating the game is a huge job, I am sure. But just as important is keeping the folks who pay for the game happy....customer service is nonexistent here. Again I realize this is a beta, but doing more on the customer service side for paying customers is not too much to ask, again tthats just IMHO.
No help for your current problem, but I had problems with it crashing loading
any saved game. If saved when character is not in a town/tavern, then load games work.
I'm having the same (or a similar) problem.

I played the game for a bit.. decided I liked it and paid for the full version. Tried to reload my game afterward and every time I did - it simply restarted my computer.

It's happening again now.. I got a character to 10th level and I can't play my saved game -- because it just restarts my computer when I try to load it.

To be perfectly frank, I'm majorly pissed. I know that bugs will happen.. but this is one of those bugs that, in my opinion, just outright ruins the game. And I don't know what to do, because now I don't want to even play the game.. what's the point if I'm just going to have to keep starting over again anyway?

Very lame.
wassup guys. i found a solution to this problem, at least it works on my comp. i start a new game, and then, after u r in the new game, exit and load ure other game. it should work if u start a new game, quit and load ure other game. hope ive helped y'all out
I've yet to experience a corrupted savegame.

A couple of things you might want to try if you get them regularly:

Run scandisk or checkdisk on the drive. Hopefully you won't have physical errors, but anything over 2 Gb seems to cause occaisional problems in the index tables and MBR.

Check how your anti-virus is configured. If its the kind that checks every file being run on the hard drive it could be interfering with the save process.

Make sure your not running anything which could be using the drive in the background.

Finally, has it occurred to anyone that it probably isn't a good idea to get too attatched to characters? Until the final release, there's a chance that one of the updates could render the old saves invalid anyway...
I'm not too sure exactly on this, but the problem, at least for me, comes from your video card. I found out when I got a picture of the blue screen of death, that only lasts about half a second on screen. At the end of the text is a DLL that was releated to my video card and so that's where I'm coming from.

Any way, I think the problem is that the game trys to load too much at once and crashes. Now I don't know too much about computers, so if someone who does know could experiment, and correct me on things I would appreciate it.

Now on to a fix I found. It seems that if you start a new game as Pellidon stated, you can load your game just fine without error. Also, and I havn't tested alot yet but, if you save a game with your level 1 guy it also seems to "fix" the problem. So all you would have to do is load up one game then the one you want to play.

To relate to my thoughts on the problem. As you get higher level you have more gear and troops, as well as what seems like more bandits running around. So if you load/start a game with no/little levels, troops, gear, bandits, there's less to load. It'd be kindof like taking stairs as to climbing a cliff.

Anyway all in all this game is still in beta, bugs are to be expected and fixed, so just have to wait for a patch.
It might be worth running a stress test on the system. Try one of the following:



Burn in test

You can get the 30 day trial version.

Either one should attempt to run the system at 100%, and will pick up any possible problems with it.

It might also be worth running a disk check, just to make sure it's not a hard drive error
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