Little tweaks

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Hi guys, i was triyng to do some minor tweaks to this mod i really like, but there are a few problems i can't cope with

For example: i wanted to edit how enemy parties join battles, i want mountain bandits to join battle with other mountain bandits parties, and so on

I already did some tweaks with other mods, but this time is a bit harder, i explain why. I went on the "84 tweaks" post, and i saw that the firts number of the script line indicates how many lines of script it has.

Well, in the tweaks post there is the whole script to copy and paste, but it won't work with this mod, because the "let_nearby_parties_join_current_battle -1" script is different from the native.

If i copy and paste everything to avoid the glitch that makes castle garrisons join fights around castles i probably ruin the whole script.

I don't know how to do this :\

Help plz
Hey there,

This mod is awesome! But I like to have a lot of companions, and there was already this topic on tweaks, I was wondering if there was some way to turn off companion interactions.
I cant seem to find the line 2133 2 144115188075856295 as mentioned in the 82 tweaks for native. I'm guessing the value has changed to something else, so if anyone could give me a pointer to what it would be greatly appreciated. :smile:
Hi guys,

I am not really familiar with the tweaks being done through text file editing, but I'll try to implement some of them in the next version of the mod through the module system, when I finally get to working on it again. If someone figures out something about how to add these tweaks in the mod through text files, please do post here.
Oi Chel, it seems as though a part of 4 looters will flee from my 8 hired blades and me if no other party is close, but when there's a Pillaging band nearby they will charge at me. I have been abusing this fact for a long time, but it's a bit weird since those bears won't help the looters.

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