List some of your absolute "Wat?" moments in the game so far.

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List some of the moments that actually stopped you for a moment and made you scratch your head.

Some of mine are :

My character glitching out while chasing a looter and the looter ran off into the ocean and because my character was on auto follow they decided to take a swim too. Had no effect on either of them which was a real shame, honestly.

I had an absolute "Alpha Male" Vlandi peasant somehow make it to the final round of a tournament where the options for weaponry were two handed weapons and bows. This dude absolutely train wrecked an entire team, by himself with me right there with him. I just... kinda sat there and stared. Was really breath taking to be honest.
I was in a village and talked to a "teenager". She started mouthing off about how she told some guy to stay away from her daughter or she would tell the local gang boss about it, and how he doesn't hang around her house anymore. I was just wondering, how old is your daughter, girl! You're a teenager! I mean, your daughter cannot possibly be more than like 4 or 5 years old at most. Does she really have a suitor already? Something is wrong here...?
Oh, another funny one.

Massacre all the enemy on the battlefield, corpses littering the field all over the place and my soldiers are cheering and one of them says "Look at em run!"
my wat moment is last night i started new play through, picked strurgia, went in the region to grind looters and quests and bam, they declared war on me without any reason lol

had to escape prison...
Joining a faction, riding with them towards a siege. Win the siege and get the city dumped into my lap even though I had low chance to win it. The army then disbanded and everyone went off their merry way leaving me with a thief inside enemy terretory surrounded by enemies.

The queen basicly went back home to.... I dont know, knit a scarf or something for the rest of the war whilst I was trying not to get myself and all my newly aquired peasants killed by their previous countrymen.

Well that and whenever I just casually throw a javelin and hit someone in the head with it. The best one was hitting a knights mount in the head causing him to summersault of its back at the speed of light xD
my biggest wut is basically a continous wut.
Im with Khuzaits and we are at war with Southern Empire, which in my save is the faction doing the snowballing. So the whole war is basically us and them raising armies taking castles and cities back and fort to no actuall progress. No strategic goals, tactis, nothing. If we lose a castle then we must take one, and then we lose it so we take another one, on repeat. One time, this really baffeled me, there was our army around 500 strong, and there was their army also 500 strong and we passed each other casually like we were caravans, each to their own goal which was to besiege a setllements couple of ingame hours away from eachother...
Probably my first real attempt at a campaign ending after hours and hours of figuring out how to earn reasonable money buying two work shops in Southern Empire in two different cities and joining their faction... only for the khurzait to take both of those cities within 30 days then proceed to delete the southern empire entirely about another 50.
Watching the southern empire take shibal zumr castle to start off EVERY playthrough I've started so far.

50+ Bandits spawning right outside town gates from thin air and wrecking the caravan I'm escorting, and also watching that caravan go on ahead, leaving their protection behind as if I'm not even there, so that there's only 9 of them left when I join the battle.

and the biggest 'wut?' moment so far, Ukhai in a tournament running at me faster than Usain Bolt. I bet he could outrun any horse in the game.
My biggest wat moment, was my army of about 200 with a couple fellow vassals fighting off a 400 man army from the Southern Empire, and my king walks right by us with 600 soldiers and didn't lend a hand.
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