OSP/LSP Modifications List
The following is a list of modifications made for Mount & Blade series that have been at some point released partly or fully as an OSP/LSP. This list offers a quick overview of these modifications, the nature of their permissions and which part of the project was released as OSP/LSP.
This list is of informative nature and does not act as a replacement for permissions listed on each separate modification. The modifications listed here might also contain OSP/LSP assets/code that was made by different creators. It is your responsibility to make sure you read the conditions and usage rights of any assets/code you want to use and to act in accordance with them and the modding guidelines found here.
Mount&Blade Modifications
[OSP] BNL Eighty Years of War - Source, Assets
[OSP] Craftmod Community Expansion Project - Source Only
[OSP] Elven Path - Source only
[OSP] Fire Arrow - Source Only
[OSP] Garnier's Gameplay Mod - Source, Assets
[OSP] Knights Mod - Textures Only (Link not working)
[OSP] Southern Realms - Source, Assets (credits)
[OSP] The Eagle and The Radiant - Source Only
[OSP] The Inheritance Cycle - Source Only
Mount&Blade: Warband Modifications
[LSP] 28 days - Source Only
[OSP] 1257 AD - Source Only
[OSP] 1429: The Hundred Years War - Source, Assets (Links not working)
[OSP] Age of False Innocence - Source, Assets
[OSP] Animation Variety Mod - Source, Assets
[OSP] Arena survival - native gamemode - Source
[OSP] Assassin Hunt - Source Only
[OSP] Battle of Europe - Source, Assets
[OSP] Battle Time! - The co-op mod - Source Only
[OSP] Bear Force II - Source Only
[OSP] Beween Empires - Source Only
[LSP] Blood and Steel - Source, Graphical Content
[OSP] Brytenwalda - Source, Assets
[OSP] Civilians Mod - Source
[OSP] Crusader - A Way To Expiation - Source, Assets
[LSP] Diplomacy - Source, Assets (source code of Diplomacy 4.3+ from Steam)
[OSP] Evlat - Source and two resource files
[OSP] Expanded Horizons - Assets
[LSP] Fate / Throne of Heroes - Source, Scenes
[LSP] Floris Mod Pack - Source, Assets
[OSP] Game of Thrones Roleplay Module - Source Only
[OSP] Gekokujo - Source, Assets (alternative download source)
[OSP] Grim Age - Assets Only
[OSP] Hispania 1200 - Source Only
[LSP] Iberia Map for Hispania 1200 - World Map Only
[LSP] Kingdom of Andria - Source Only
[OSP] Magic Mod: Curtain of Fire - Source Only
[OSP] Marauders of the Seven Seas - Source Only
[LSP] MB: Warlord - Assets Only
[OSP] Medieval Conquests - Source Only
[OSP] Medieval Realms - Source Only
[OSP] Mercantilism - Source Only
[OSP] Mount&Gladius v2.0 - Assets Only
[OSP] Nightfall of Middle Earth: Khazad Ai Menu - Source, Assets
[OSP] PARADIGM WORLDS - Source, Graphic Library
[LSP] Persistent Kingdoms - Source, Assets
[LSP] Persistent World - Source, Assets
[OSP] Realistic rePolished Map - Assets Only
[OSP] Reworked Troops & Items - Source Only
[OSP] Rigale - Source Only
[LSP] Rome at War - Source, Assets
[LSP] Rus 13th Century: Way of the Warrior - Source Only
[OSP] Sands of Egypt - Source, Assets (Link not working)
[LSP] Sayazn - Assets Only
[OSP] Scaedumar Mod - Source Only
[OSP] Sclavinia - Source, Assets
[OSP] Sevenheart - Source
[OSP] Shogun - Sengoku Jidai - Assets Only
[LSP] Silverstag - Source Only
[LSP] Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth - Source Only
[OSP] Swadian Interregnum 1387 - Source, Assets (OSP note)
[OSP] Tainted Paths - Source Only
[OSP] Tama’s Enhanced Native Mod - Source, Assets
[OSP] Teutonic Order: Drang Nach Osten - Assets Only
[OSP] The Bones of Ragnvald - Source Only
[OSP] The Hundred Years War - Source, Assets
[LSP] The Last Days - Source, Items, Sounds, Music
[OSP] The Reckoning - Source, Assets
[LSP] The Red Wars - Source, Assets (LSP note, usage only for submods)
[OSP] Tocan's Calradia - Source Only
[OSP] Tohlobaria - Source, Assets
[OSP] Twilight of The Sun King - Source, Assets
[LSP] Vyrn - Source, Assets
[OSP] World of Noth - Source
Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword Modifications
[OSP] Demon Mod - Source Only
[OSP] Enhancement Mod - Source Only
Mount&Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars Modifications
[OSP] Commander Battle AI For Napoleonic Wars - Source Only
Mount&Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Modifications
[OSP] I like vikings - Source Only
[OSP] Outlaws expanded - Source and Scene files (see bottom of OP post)
[OSP] Viking Conquest - Family Edition - Source Only
[LSP] VC Tweaks Tool: +80 tweaks the easy way! - Source Only
[OSP] D'ya Like Dags? - Viking Conquest Dog Companion Special Attacks - Source Only
License for using Mount&Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest source and assets in non-VC modifications can be found here.
While we're doing our best to add all of the modifications that were fully or partly released as OSP/LSP, more are being added continuously and we're bound to miss some of the old ones as well. Your help in completing and making sure the list stays updated would be greatly appreciated. Make sure to reply to this topic if you find a suitable OSP/LSP modification or if you're turning your own mod into an OSP/LSP.
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