Resolved List of Minor Bugs that I have found (will add some later)

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1.When a player is hit by an arrow to a shield on his back, this shows up(see image):
if u dont want to open that image or it can't be then this is what it says: ERROR: Text with id ui_hit_shield_on_back doesn't exist!

2. There is bug that soldiers prefer ladders over breaking the gate. they just ram the frist door and then run to the ladders.
Link to Image:

3. I had siege battle at Lycaron and siege equipment on defenders side bugged out. There was literally a wall that was blocking a guy from getting to balista.
Link to Image:
I have seen the first two myself, but the third one is new to me. It could be an issue just with Lycaron, but it is possible it will happen elsewhere.
Hello, thank you for reporting these issues. Unfortunately, we weren't able to respond to this topic when it was first created.
Are you still experiencing these issues on the latest live or beta versions of the game? Please leave a reply below.
Hi, I will mark the issue as resolved. If you encounter the same one in the latest version, please let me know. Thanks!
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