Suggestion General List of game APIs I would like to have access and other requests.

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-Many of the elements from the interpolated atmosphere xmls are missing, technically some can be bypassed but some not. If needed I could list them.

-Terrain wetness is used for rain density but it also set the sun position, overwriting manually set and updated sun position, maybe because it is tied to atmospehere xmls (wet, dense rain etc) ?? also tied to thunderstorm effects. It would be nice to beign able to set its float value separately. Can it affect the trees too? Another issue is with the alpha blending under props that is a nice addition but need to be refined

-Updating the sun position feels unnecessarily heavy on performance. I understand the engine might not be fully optimized for this but could you gently take a look at it? A day-night cycle is a highly requested feature but even with a tick delay on updates there's still a noticeable FPS drop. I’ve tried handling sun position updates both by coding the values internally with an if else structure and by parsing them from XML, with and without tangents, caching frames and values but I never noticed a significant difference in performance between these methods.

-Wind parameters direction and strenght: actually they can be set only inside the scene editor but I suppose they aren't baked in the scene data as the rain density method alter the wind settings.

-Camera far plane: In the editor, the far plane has a higher value than in-game that is set too low (around 12500f?) that causes the border mesh to be culled in some native scenes (such as Varcheg). Can we have access to it or can you just fix?

-Sun texture can't be changed after scene initialization.

-Turns on/off the lights in realtime like the game do during mission initialization based on night time. It can be reproduced but if you share the internal code it would be way better.

-Particle system: it would be nice to have wind bursts under wind parameters as the bias, actually, is applied to the single particle or if simpler in the API like for the emissionratemultiplier.
*emissionratemultiplier is applied to each emitter inside the particlesystem, even collision particles.

-Battle AI: Can we have something like a boolean to disable the default updated behavior that forces agents to use the weapon with the highest thrust damage, along with a method to set weapon preference.

-SoundEvent: Since we can play, pause, resume and set position can we also set the radius and volume?

-Scene Editor: could be possible to have instanced flora usable for scripts? and would be possible to have closed paths?

Some bugs related to daynight cycle testing: When the scene is initialized with a low sun the terrain has cached shadows and store them and scenes with baked GI have an exposure problem when turning from day to night and can be reproduced from the scene editor.
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