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This is a post about ... lips.
You can edit everything on the face except for the corners of the mouth and the size and thickness of the lips. Why is this? Is there a modeling/retexturing issue? What? As it is, you can have a wide variety of faces, but without an ability to change the mouth, it's very limited.
'Specially the womanses. Their lower lips are reeeeaaally thick, and you can't change that.
Any hope of being able to mess with lips? :shock:
yes you are right, its very difficult to create a good looking female face or a handsom guy with the current face editor, or was that intended? :wink:
Also the mouth shape should be editable so you can give your char some facial expression.
I personally like the faces in the game, the sort-of authentic, medieval ugliness :smile:

I was playing Guld Wars for a time and was sick of all those perfect bodies and faces around. When someone survived multiple falls from horse, have been beaten in the face with morning star, shrugged of a spear between the ribs, suffered from plague and pox... he cannot look like Hollywood star :smile:

Instead - teeth missing, old scars, skin diseases, greasy and uncut hair, tattered clothes, disturbing, zealous shining eyes, a drool of saliva from the mouth - that's the way to go!
Awwww...Kamamaru, are you saying it was a bad idea for the devs to spend more time texturing the elves breasts in EQ1 than they did on the entire rest of the model??? :cry: I don't really like how everyone in most MMORPG's look like freaking gods and goddesses, but some of the characters i make turn out really ugly simply because of their lips.
At least they're not shaped out by greek gods like in Guild Wars.

I mean, even their warrior is hard to make brutish.
It's one of the reasons I prefere Mount & Blade over Guild Wars.

And of course the much better combat system :smile:
In medieval times only the higher classes bathed once a year and that had some religous purpose I suppose. That is why europe had one of the most early developed perfume and wig endustries. Medieval people don't exactly look like stars. That is why a knight IN shining armor looks charming than others I suppose :p
In medieval times only the higher classes bathed once a year and that had some religous purpose I suppose. That is why europe had one of the most early developed perfume and wig endustries. Medieval people don't exactly look like stars. That is why a knight IN shining armor looks charming than others I suppose :p
I wonder when computer industry makes it possible to make smells out of computers. I would just love to smell how my champ smells.
I wonder when computer industry makes it possible to make smells out of computers.


Dude, get with the times man.
Problem is, the smells used are seriously limited. You probably don't want to smell the brains of your enemy that has been scattered all over the place anyway.

Interestingly, humans can't imagine smells or tastes. They can recognise them once given them, but cannot proactively imagine them.

Try this:
Imagine an elephant. Imagine what he looks like. It's simple isn't it? There isn't any elephants near us as you read this but you can still picture one in your head.

Imagine a foghorn on a ship. It makes a distinctive sound, and you can hear it in your mind, despite the fact there are no foghorns going off at this instant.

Now imagine the taste of a grape flavoured lollipop. You may remember other things, like the texture, or the amount of saliva in your mouth, but you cannot actually remember the taste. Neither can I.

Now try this:
Create a completely unique monster in your head. make it look like nothing you've ever seen before. Not too difficult?

This contraption has a wierd and unique noise to it. Imagine what it might be. This is maybe slightly harder.

Now, create a completely new flavour in your head for a lollipop.

See now?

Yeah i know this is slightly off-topic (Way off topic) but it is interesting nonetheless. Now continue your discussion of faces.
Problem with a 'smell-dispenser' for computers would be quite solid.

Imagine coming home after a tough day at work, you are tired and you are in fact rather sick because you were forced to sit in a bad posture looking at a bad screen.
You enter the door and sigh with relief, finally home.

Then *IT* hits you! A digustingly reek, somewhat sweet and putrid mixed with the chemical smell of cordite, it is not all that powerful but it is there. You make a grimace and enter your son's/friend's/whoever's room, and yes, that person was in the middle of a massive battle in an RTS. The smell tells you that it is certainly not the first battle ofthe game that day.

Can you imagine how fast you would throw that smell-dispenser out he window? I know my parents would have if it had ever come to that.
Smell dispenser: Ew. As said above, not so cool an idea.

But seriously, the ability to change the size and shape of the lips has nothing to do with how handsome a character is. It simply gives greater control; they can be uglier, or prettier, but DIFFERENT.

It's something I'd very much like to see.
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