
This is a post about ... lips.
You can edit everything on the face except for the corners of the mouth and the size and thickness of the lips. Why is this? Is there a modeling/retexturing issue? What? As it is, you can have a wide variety of faces, but without an ability to change the mouth, it's very limited.
'Specially the womanses. Their lower lips are reeeeaaally thick, and you can't change that.
Any hope of being able to mess with lips?
You can edit everything on the face except for the corners of the mouth and the size and thickness of the lips. Why is this? Is there a modeling/retexturing issue? What? As it is, you can have a wide variety of faces, but without an ability to change the mouth, it's very limited.
'Specially the womanses. Their lower lips are reeeeaaally thick, and you can't change that.
Any hope of being able to mess with lips?