If you are a fan of M&B and want to try some more medieval, vaguely historical, RPG 3D combat then give Joan of Arc a try http://www.enlight.com/joa/joa_english/ I even put a plug for Mount and Blade in their forums to try and get some new players. It can get a bit fantasy what with the healing potions and gems n'all but there is plenty of sword swinging and even the JoA version of horseback combat. Also you get to batter castles with siege artillery like trebuchets, cannons, catapults, battering rams and the like. Great concept, but knackered by bad AI, awful dialogue and speech acting and the fact that you can actually kill all enemy at range with a bow and don't even need to see the whites of their eyes. Even with all of the minuses I thought it was brave try at programming 3D RPG medieval warfare and still play it occasionally. Anyone else on here tried it ??