I really wish there was a way to dump unwanted/heavy iventory item on the ground (no probs with not being able to recraim them), cause there is nothing worse than carrying a load load of goods, only to be outran and slaughtered via a very mad warparty who is going .1 faster than you.
Maybe just one inventory slot to the side of the main inv boxes and below the equiped gear, with the caption of "Drop Item To Ground", have it popup with a box saying something like "Are you sure to wish to drop this item? (There is no way to recover it later.) (Yes) (No)
Assuming it would not be extremely hard to implement, seeing as it would function similar to the way you exchange items with M/B now, from a technical standpoint at least.
Seeing as M/B strives always for increased realism, I think this would add a nice touch.
Also this is just of the top of my head, and as this would be a major undertaking I don't think it would be worthwhile to implement, but it would be interesting if you could leave items behind on the map that would stay for a limited ammount of time before dissapearing, and would prehaps attrach teh attention of near-by parties, purhaps even leading to some interesting fights, and a chance to ambush an overly greedly party, and gain a +1 tactics bonus as they search though what you left behind, though it would have to be something worthwhile before stronger parties would even give it notice.
Maybe just one inventory slot to the side of the main inv boxes and below the equiped gear, with the caption of "Drop Item To Ground", have it popup with a box saying something like "Are you sure to wish to drop this item? (There is no way to recover it later.) (Yes) (No)
Assuming it would not be extremely hard to implement, seeing as it would function similar to the way you exchange items with M/B now, from a technical standpoint at least.
Seeing as M/B strives always for increased realism, I think this would add a nice touch.
Also this is just of the top of my head, and as this would be a major undertaking I don't think it would be worthwhile to implement, but it would be interesting if you could leave items behind on the map that would stay for a limited ammount of time before dissapearing, and would prehaps attrach teh attention of near-by parties, purhaps even leading to some interesting fights, and a chance to ambush an overly greedly party, and gain a +1 tactics bonus as they search though what you left behind, though it would have to be something worthwhile before stronger parties would even give it notice.