Light&Darkness: How to get dark forces onto map, followed guide! More inside!

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Ok I am seriously stuck about midway through the game, afterthe dark hall lady spawned on the map with all her knights to gang me after that dark guy talked when the ground shook, I engaged and wounded her and her knights and she got away, then nothing happened. I went back to killing darkhunters/pilgrems and stuff and cannot get more of the dark force events to spawn or happen, nor can i find the national tournament. I have followed the guide down to the T except im not sure how to go from here, the guide doesnt say anything but to follow the horn and im stuck doing that.

Problems im having and information that could help:

-How do you start the national tournament so the dark forces come out, id like to join them and start rampaging (iv done proabably 5 or 6 tournaments and wont hem all and nothing yet, not sure what the trigger is)  :twisted:
-My HORN OF STARS says "the holy force is locked somewhere, or it is there to represent the highest glory for the stronger"
-I HAVE the Revelation of Fire, and i also have the Ward from the Earth Mother, are there any more to get?
-I HAVE the Medal of Hero, Testimonial of the Cavalier, Testimonial of the warrior
-I HAVE clue 1 and 3, and im not sure where to go or what to do to trigger the dark army or more events to unfold

Clue 1 reads: "Leave from river pirates stronghold away from the sea"
Clue 3 reads: "The dim candle light, the lethal dinner, they saw everything"
-I have aquired Narsil, Gimli axe, Elven bow, persian sword, and the javalins for weapons so far
-I have completed one of the awesome horse quests and have the rainbow horse
-My mainline story is "you have found two gems! use the horn to find clues of the other gems"
-I have ymira, borch, and marnid for my unit guys, i have done the praven quest but rolf still wont join me at 110% completed.
-I have probably killed 15+ groups  of dark hunts/pilgs since the dark hall lady spawned and i attacked her and won.

Any questions please ask ill answer then asap, just want to get the dark forces onto the map! UGH!!!! Thanks so much guys who have completed this awesome mod all the way through!

I found the national tournament, how do you win 10 fights in a row like zendar fighters, I have talke to prince in zendar and done about 12 or 13 tournaments ina row and wont hem all, and iv also don 11 more training missions and won them all to, not sure what to do here
How did you find the National Tournament? I've beaten Hull and her crew of Dark Knights, and I've been wandering around Calradia ever since.  :cry:
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