Levels of characters

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I read in the forums here that the game is too hard to begin, and too easy at the end. I would like to know What levels people are, and what level things start getting easy. I currently have 2 characters at or near level 10.
Well, if you think that defeating like 40 mountain bandits is easy... :smile:
But in terms of money, best quests are 'supply horses, armor, weapons, etc'. Got myself 20k to after supplying 4 coursers. Now got quest to supply 5 hunters, and cannot emagine how large reward would be. ~50k, no doubt :smile:.
My very first quest from the Count of Uxkhal was to fetch 5 Warhorses. I'm still working on it :roll:
Right now I'm on Level 21 with a party of 30 (the majority whom are Knights and Men at Arms, but then the local Dukes get jealous and keep stealing them off me). Riding a Hunter with a complete suit of Black Armour, a Lance, a Sniper Crossbow (three quivers), a Heavy Spiked Mace and a Longsword for arms.
Lynnander said:
I read in the forums here that the game is too hard to begin, and too easy at the end. I would like to know What levels people are, and what level things start getting easy. I currently have 2 characters at or near level 10.

Now, I've been thinking about that too: game balance, really.

In the beginning, I think the game's not especially difficult except in that you're learning how to judge your character's capabilities against individual fighters in the arena and against enemy warparties.

So, if you're relatively rational you'll strengthen your stats by eliminating easy prey like river pirates and upgrade your equipment through loot and earning money from the simpler assignments.

It's challenging but not too frustrating: at the beginning, you think you'll alway have money problems or never be able to deal with the Dark Knights.

Middlegame, a fuzzy hard-to-define stage, is actually the most interesting to me: there's still plenty of room for stat growth; a need to acquire even better weapons, and generally the capability to successfully command high-level troops against the strongest of enemies. Fairly well-balanced.

Endgame, or rather "the gameplay past level xx" when ever that may happen for you, let's arbitrarily say level 40, is a bit of a bore: your wallet's swollen with denars, you don't collect loot anymore, you can raise all the top level troops you want, in combat you decide to do trick shots just for variety. You start questioning the meaning of all the endless killing and say "Can't we all get along?" Extremely poorly "balanced" (for lack of a better word).

I'm not looking for a great plot or saving Calradia necessarily but I could live with acquiring stuff: land, houses, titles, etc: hell I could fight a 1000 more battles in that case before once again I'd ask myself, "What's it all about, JStrange?"
I've just hit level 25 and have nearly 150,000 denars.... I just think it'd be nice if there was a good way we could waste our money whether it be buying whores, real estate or creating our own towns or maybe even paying for troop training.

I just think at the moment I hesitate to pick up loot purely because I'm loaded as it is and I have all the gear I need.
I'm at level 20 right now, but my forces are a little cruddy, since every time I try to get some Knights my candidates either get killed or taken by cheapskate Dukes. I'm well equipped, but I'm not yet at he point where I can slaughter twenty Dark Knights while I'm napping. I fight best on foot, and I do fairly well on Horseback on my Spirited Courser. I'd say I'm getting fairly close to the Endgame, but I AM playing on very easy difficulty.
I use normal dificulty.

I didnt like the idea that the system was giving me a handicap of 1/2 damage.

But the damage bloody hurts now!
Got to level 50 with my archer the other day. Traveling with Marnid, Borcha, 54 V. knights and 24 hired blades. I have about 1.4 million denars.

What I like best about this game is the scarcity. I've got really good armour (reinforced black), warbow, three large bags of bodkin +3 arrows, and a balanced sword of war. But it's not easy finding these things. I cannot just walk to any smithy and buy the best stuff, even though I could afford it.
i got one lvl 50 n im working on another character.... the end i feel is way too easy because i can not even use an army to take out 30-40 mountain people and i can take out a war party... maybe its becaus im on easy difficulty but still i think the endgame is insanly easy
i got a mountain bandit party of 31 when i checked after you asked but as u know they vary.... starangly enuff the only war party i could find was a of only 25... but i did find a group of 51 forest bandits :shock:
Well, first off, how can some of you be complaining that the end-game is too easy when you're playing on a very easy difficulty setting?... :shock: Although at high levels any battle is relatively easy if you're mounted. So what i like to do when the game gets too easy, is fight on foot. That's like setting the difficulty to 200%. Go ahead and try to take out just 20 dark knights unmounted solo(without exploiting AI weaknesses, i.e. sniping from an unscalable hill). But of course, it would be nice to have something to spend all that extra loot on.
DaLagga said:
Well, first off, how can some of you be complaining that the end-game is too easy when you're playing on a very easy difficulty setting?... :shock: Although at high levels any battle is relatively easy if you're mounted. So what i like to do when the game gets too easy, is fight on foot. That's like setting the difficulty to 200%. Go ahead and try to take out just 20 dark knights unmounted solo(without exploiting AI weaknesses, i.e. sniping from an unscalable hill). But of course, it would be nice to have something to spend all that extra loot on.
quoted for truth !!! i agree although i dont even use normal difficulty, hard and very hard would be very welcome additions to gameplay options available !!
Just got yesterday my squire to reach level 50. Currently my rank among the Swadians is Master-Knight. Few last 15 levels there have not been too much other doing than just grinding. Are there some classes after this rank?
Just yesterday i got ran into a war party of 85 swaidens , And...I was level 7

I nearly **** myself when i saw they attacked me , Gah. That was a...slightly unfair fight i must say.

PS: Is there any cheat's ? I like to flog the game a second time when i finish it. (im not gonna cheat now lol , when i finish it)
Nairagorn said:
PS: Is there any cheat's ?

the search button is your friend :wink:
Listen to Nairagorn, hes smart, and also because he'll shove a shoe up your ass if you dont. :roll:
I am level 47, with thick black armor, thick full helm, and reinforced iron greaves.
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