Level Editing

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I wasn't sure if this should go in the Mod Discussion forum or the suggestions forum so, I guess it is a suggestion.

I was thinking that it would be nice if levels (battle maps and otherwise) could be saved in individual files. This would allow changes made in edit mode to stay where you want them and it would make sharing your editted levels very convenient. I'm not sure how much coding it would require though.
Yes I agree, but you can always back up the original file, and then save the modified battlefield file in a different folder, and overwrite that with the original :wink:
edit: I'd rather have them ugrading the AI of troops, so you can actually play in the modified maps (collision detection, interaction with objects etc)
Raz said:
Yes I agree, but you can always back up the original file, and then save the modified battlefield file in a different folder, and overwrite that with the original :wink:
edit: I'd rather have them ugrading the AI of troops, so you can actually play in the modified maps (collision detection, interaction with objects etc)

thats what I always do :smile:
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