let's talk about sound mods!

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eric virgo

I have downloaded the first sound mod that was pretty much ok. but it needed better horsehooves. So I downloaded the horse sound mod and I was happy for a long time!

Then with the last version I also downloaded Big Mod and I liked some of the new sounds there.

Then I added the warrider sound mod that had some awesome sounds too. But for some reason the new horses and some weapon clanging sounded a bit... weird. So I copied and pasted from different sound mods and made a new one that I really don't know what it is made of.

I love the sound of the new arrows and bow... But I hate the hit shield sound. I like the horses but I hate the sound of rocks zipping by. They sound like lasers.

SO... Has anyone compliled the perfect sound mod? One with bassy horsehooves, liquid slashes and killer swooshes?

What sound mod do you use for your game?
Which one would you suggest me to download? Apart form the ones I mentioned above.
Is there an epic music complilation that I can use instead of the original?

And when will somebody make a Nodachi for me? I will pay money and stuff!
I'm using Arbalest's soundpack. Although I like it more than the vanilla sounds in general, I didn't like some of the sounds. So I tested each sound one by one and I have combined the two by taking the ones I liked most.
Anyway I am willing to see more sound mods.
I use Warrider, but a improved sound mod wouldn´t be that bad and i would probably use it, even if i dont have much time anylonger to play. :wink:
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