Let's Play: Avenger! (Character Creation Poll)

What skills should our Ninja have? (Pick any you think are useful, top 3 will be chosen)

  • Arrow Cutting

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Acrobatics

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • Immunity to Poisons

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Feigning Death

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Escapology

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • Poison Needles

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Lockpicking and Trap Detecting/Disarming

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • Climbing

    Votes: 12 80.0%

  • Total voters

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Grandmaster Knight
It's a Ninja gamebook, baby! We'll be wearing black pajamas, put a towel over our faces, and silently eliminate our foes with stealth and guile and a lot of ridiculously kick-ass martial arts.

...and yes, we do get to fight some Pirates and decide once and for all the age-old riddle of Ninja vs Pirate.


You're a goddamn Ninja. You freaking kick ass. 'Nuff said.


1.    Ninjas are mammals.
2.    Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3.    The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

For further research into the topic, please see: http://www.realultimatepower.net.

Endurance: 20
Inner Force: 5   
Shuriken: 5
Combat Ratings
Punch:0  Kick:0  Throw:0  Fate:0
Ninja Skills:
  • Acrobatics
  • Picking Locks and Disarming Traps
  • Climbing
Special Items:

Ninja Gear:
Breathing Tube (for when hiding underwater)
Iron Sleeves (iron rods sewn into your costume to block weapons)
Garotte (strangulation device, not to be used for sex play)
Flash Powder (makes a blinding flash when ignited)
Flint & Tinder (makes sparks to light torches and stuff)
Spiderfish (poisoned dried fish, keep out of reach of pets)
Blood of Nil (deadly liquid poison, keep out of reach of children)
When you encounter a combat, you will first be asked if you want to punch, kick or throw. Once you have made the selection, you will be given the opponent's Defence. Roll 2d6, if it is higher than the defence, you hit. You do 1d6 damage for punches, or 1d6+2 for a kick (which are harder to land), or a successful throw allows a follow-up attack roll with +2 damage and some extra bonus (usually +2) to-hit (sometimes it results in an instakill).

Then your opponent gets to roll against you in a similar fashion. Your Defence will be given in the section description, as will the damage done by the opponent.

You may use "Inner Force" to inflict double damage. You start with 5 points of inner force. Inner force during combat will be automatically used by me (GM) if I think it's a tough combat or we need to get out of trouble.

If an opponent hits, we may choose to try to block it. Basically the opponent must reroll their attack (with a +1 bonus) and if they hit again, we take damage as usual. Otherwise, we take no damage. Either way, we get a -2 penalty in the next attack round for blocking. Blocking will be handled by me (GM); typically, attacks by slower and hard-hitting foes should always be blocked, for fast and hard-to-hit foes it is better to just take it like a man.

Fate rolls: roll 2d6, 2-6 = unlucky, 7-12 = lucky.
As a Master of Taijutsu, the Nina’s art of unarmed combat, you have four main ways of fighting. Throwing Shuriken (see under skills), kicks, punches or throws. You will be told when you can use Shuriken. In general it will be harder to hit an opponent when kicking but a kick will do more damage. A throw if successful, will allow you to follow up with a possible ‘killing blow’, but if you fail a throw your Defence against an opponent will be lower, as you are open to attack. Whenever you are in a combat you will be asked which type of attack you wish to make. See the Kickass Ninja Moves Chart for the different types of kicks, punches and throws available to you. You will be told which paragraph to turn to, depending on your choice. When you are resolving combat, you will find it useful to record your opponent's Defence and Endurance score. A number of Encounter Boxes are provided with your Character Sheet for this purpose.

You will be told what Defence number your oppon ent has against a punch. Roll two dice, and if the score is higher than his or her Defence number, you have successfully punched your opponent, in this case, roll one more die. The result is the amount of damage you have inflicted on your opponent. Subt ract it from his Endurance totals. if this has reduced your opponent’s score to 0 or less, you have won. When your opponent attacks you,. you will be given your Defence number for that combat. Roll two dice, if the score Is greater than this number, you have been hit. The amount of damage inflicted upon you depends on the opponent and will be noted in the paragraph. Usually in the format of ‘Damage: 1 Die + 1’ or 2 Dice’ or ‘1 Die + 2’. Simply roll the required number of dice and add the number given. This is the total damage inflicted upon you. However before you subtract this score from your Endurance, you may choose to tiy and block or parry the attack (see Block).

Punch Modifier
Whenever you make a ‘Punch Roll’ to determine whether or not you have successfully struck an opponent, add or subtract your Punch Modifier. This Modifier reflects your skill in using the punches of the Way of the Tiger. You begin with a Punch Modifier of 0, as noted on your Character Sheet. This will rise as you progress in The Way of the Tiger and may change throughout the adventure.

The kick and the Kick Modifier work exactly as the punch, except that when you roll the dice to determine the damage you inflict, add 2 to the dice — a kick is more amazing than a punch.

The throw and Throw Modifier work as the punch. However, if you are successful, no damage is done to your attacker, but you will be allowed another attack, a punch or kick, and it will be much easier to strike a thrown opponent. If you are successful with this, your follow up attack, add 2 to the damage you inflict.

You begin the game with 20 poInts of Endurance. Keep a running total of your Endurance score on your Character Sheet. It will probably be the cate gory that will change most as you are wounded, healed etc. When you reach 0 Endurance or less, you are dead and your adventure ends.

As a Ninja, a master of Taijutsu, you have the ability to block or parry incoming blows with various parts of your body, often your forearms. For this purpose, thin lightweight iron rods have been sewn into your sleeves enabling you to block even swords and other weapons. During combat, if you have been hit, you may try to block the blow and take no damage. Roll two dice. If the score is less than your Defence given in that combat, you have successfully blocked the blow, and take no damage. If your score is equal to or greater than your Defence, you take damage in the normal way. In any case, because you have taken the time to block, your next attack is less effectual, as your opponent has had more time to react. Whether your block is successful or not, subt ract 2 from your Punch, Kick and Throw Modifier for your next attack only. Remember, you can only block blows.

Through meditation and rigorous training you have mastered the ability to unleash spiritual or Inner Force through your body in the same way as the karate experts of today beak blocks of wood and bricks. In any combat, before you roll the dice to determine if you will hit or miss an opponent, you may choose to use inner Force. If you do, deduct one point from your Inner Force score. This is used up whether or not you succeed in striking your opponent. If you are successful, however, double the score you roll when determining the amount of damage you inflict. When your Inner Force is red uced to 0, you may no longer use Inner Force. So use it wisely! You begin the game with 5 points of Inner Force.

Luck plays its part and the goddess Fate has great power on the world of Orb. Whenever you are asked to make a fate Roll, roll two dice and add or subtract your Fate Modifier. If the score is 7—12, you are lucky and Fate has smiled on you. If the score is 2-6, you are unlucky and Fate has turned her back on you. You begin your adventure with a Fate Modifier of 0.


You have been trained in ninjitsu all of your life. Your senses of smell, sight and heating have been honed to almost superhuman effectiveness. You are well versed in woodcraft, able to track like a bloodhound, and to cover your own tracks. Your knowledge of plants and herb lore enables you to live off the land, You are at the peak of physical fitness, able to run up to 50 miles a day and swim like a fish. Your training induded horsemanship, a little ventriloquism, meditation, the ability to hold yourself absolutely still for hours on end, perfecting your balance, and ‘The Seven Ways of Going’ or disguise. The latter skill involves comprehensive training so that you can perform as a minstrel, for instance, if this disguise is used. However, a major part of this training has been stealth, hiding in shadows, moving silently, and, to breathe as quietly as possible, enabling you to move about unseen and unheard. You begin the game with these skills.

There are nine other skills. One of these, Shurikenjitsu, is always taught to a Ninja in training. This you must take, but you may then choose three other skills from the remaining eight, and note them down on your Character Sheet.

You begin the adventure with five ‘Shuriken’. The type you specialise in are ‘throwing stars’, small razor sharp star shaped disks of metal. You can throw these up to a range of about 30 feet with devastating effect. If you throw a Shuriken, you will be given a Defence number for your target. Roll two dice, and if the score is higher than the Defence number, you will have hit your target. If this is the case, roll one die. The score is the amount of damage the Shuriken does. Subtract it from your target’s Endurance. You may find yourself in a position where you are unable to retrieve a Shuriken once you have thrown it. Keep a running total in your Character Sheet, crossing off a Shuriken each time you lose one. If you have none left, you can no longer use this skill.

Pick 3 skills from the below

Requiring excellent muscular co-ordination, hand and eye judgement and reflexes, this skill will enable you to knock aside, or even catch, missiles such as arrows or spears.

The ability to leap and Jump using flips, cartwheels etc. like a tumbler or gymnast.

This involves taking small doses of virulent poisons over Long periods of time, slowly building up the body’s resistance. This enables the Ninja to survive most poison attempts.

Requiring long and arduous training, a Ninja with this ability is able to slow down his heart rate and metabolism through will power alone, thus appearing to be dead.

A Ninja with this skill is able to dislocate the joints of the body and to maximise the body’s suppleness, allowing movement through small spaces. and escape from bonds and chains by slipping out of them.

Sometimes known as spitting Needles, a Ninja with this skill can place small darts, coated with a powerful poison that acts in the blood stream, onto his tongue. By curling the tongue into an ‘0’ shape and spitting or blowing, the dart can be propelled up to an effective range of about 15 feet. A useful surprise attack, the source of which is not always perceptible.

The ability to open locked doors, chests etc. A Ninja with this skill would carry various lockpicks in the pockets of his costume, induding a small crowbar or Jemmy. You are also trained to notice traps and to use the lock-picking tools to disarm them.

Comprehensive training in the use of a Grappling Hook and hand and foot clamps, or Cat’s Claws. The padded four-pronged hook has 40 feet of rope attached to it. Used to hook over walls, niches etc., allowing the Ninja to pull himself up the rope. The Cat’s Claws are spiked clamps, worn over the palm of the hand and the instep of the feet, enabling the Ninja to embed his Claws into a wall and climb straight up like a fly, and even to crawl across ceilings.

Vote for as many skills as you like. The 3 skills with the most votes will end up on our Character Sheet.

Also, you voted for poison needles over climbing. Not that I don't approve; I'm kind of regretting voting for climbing. In the end, poison needles is probably the more badass of the two.
okiN said:

Also, you voted for poison needles over climbing. Not that I don't approve; I'm kind of regretting voting for climbing. In the end, poison needles is probably the more badass of the two.

Can't you select "remove vote" and vote again if you change your mind?
Voting is done! Amazingly, we have 3 clear winners with over 13 votes each:

  • Acrobatics
  • Picking Locks and Disarming Traps
  • Climbing

The other skills all have 9 votes or less. Now we have an extremely mobile Ninja, able to get in, get the job done, and get out before anyone realises that they're been ninja'ed.

The epic journey begins! *guitars wailing, roll credits, cue eighties faux-oriental music superimposed on a stereotypical image of a rising sun*

On the magical world of Orb, alone in a sea that the people of the Manmarch call Endless, lies the mystical Island of Tranquil Dreams.

Many years have passed since the time when, as an infant, you first saw its golden shores and emerald rice meadows. A servant brought you, braving the distant leagues of the ponderous ocean from lands to which you have never returned, Your loyal serv ant laid you, an orphan, at the steps of the Temple of the Rock praying that the monks would care for you, for she was frail and dying of a hideous curse.

Monks have lived on the island for centuries, dedicated to the worship of their God, Kwon, He who speaks the Holy Words of Power, Supreme Master of Unarmed Combat. They live only to help others resist the evil that infests the world. Seeing that you were alone and needed care, the monks took you in and you became an acolyte at the Temple of the Rock, Nothing was made of the strange birthmark, shaped like a crown which you carry on your thigh, though you remember that the old servant insisted that it was of mystical importance. Whenever you have asked about this the monks have bade you meditate and be patient.

The most ancient and powerful of them all, Naijishi, Grandmaster of the Dawn, became your foster-father. He gave you guidance and training in the calm goodness of Kwon, knowledge of men and their ways and how to meditate so that your mind floats free of your body and rides the winds in search of truth.

From the age of six, however, most of your time has been spent learning the Way of the Tiger. Now, you are a Ninja, a master of the martial arts and a deadly assassin who can kill the most powerful enemies unseen and unsuspected. Like a tiger, you are strong, stealthy, agile, patient in the stalking of prey and deadly. In the Land of Plenty and the Manmarch the fabled Ninja, known as the ‘Men with no Shadow’, are held in awe — the mere mention of Ninja strikes fear into peoples hearts. But you are one of the few who worship Kwon and follow the Way of the Tiger. You use your skill as a bringer of death to rid the world of evil-doers.

‘I will vanish into the night; change my body to wood or stone; sink into (he earth and walk through walls and locked doors. I will be killed many times, yet will not die; change my face and become invisible, able to walk among men without being seen.’

At an early age you hung by the hands for hours on end from the branches of trees to strengthen your arms. You ran for miles, your light-footed speed enough to keep a thirty loot ribbon trailing above the ground. You trod tightropes, as agile as a monkey. Now you swim like a fish and leap like a tiger, you move like the whisper of the breeze and glide through the blackest night, like a shade. Before he died Nalpshi taught you the Ninja’s Covenant.

It was after your foster-father, Naijishi’s death that you began to live the words of the Covenant. A man came to the island, Yaemon, Grandmaster of Flame. Using borrowed sorcery he tricked the monks into believing that he was a worshipper of Kwon from the Greater Continent. He was indeed a monk but he worshipped Kwon’s twisted brother, Vile, who helps the powerful to subdue the weak, and wicked men to rule fools. Yaemon slew Naijishi — no one could match him in unarmed combat — and he stole the Scrolls of Kettsuin from the Temple. Once more you knew the pain of loss for you had loved Naijishi as a father. You swore an oath to Kwon that one day you would avenge his death. You have honed your skills helping the downtrodden in the land of Plenty but now the time has come to prove yourself to your brother monks at the Temple of the Rock.

The dawn rays of the sun greet you as you begin your preparations for the time of trial. Today you will become the youngest ever to challenge for the title of Grandmaster of the Five Winds. When your foster father, Naijishi, was murdered by Yaemon, the second Grandmaster stepped Into his place. Now, many seasons later another of the Grand- masters has died and the position is open once more for there must always be five who lead the order. You have been invited to challenge for it because of your consummate mastery of the Way of the Tiger.

At the appointed hour you walk, alone, across the sands to the Temple of the Rock. It Is a huge pillared hail built into the side of an enormous boulder of red granite brought to rest on the Island of Tranquil Dreams by the ice floes of the age of snow, which carved out the Great Valley Reaches of the far north. As you approach the Temple, you see that the monks and a large number of villagers have assembled to watch the combat between you and the other challenger, Gorobei.


Like you, Gorobei is an Initiate of the Inner Circle, a devout worshipper of Kwon and a capable fighter. He is older, heavier and stronger than you and has been unsuccessful In one previous challenge, but he is a skillful wrestler. You walk into the Temple and bow to the Grandmaster of the Dawn, a man who looks younger than his fifty years, slim and taut with piercing dark eyes. Beside you, Gorobel also bows, his face a mask showing no emotion. He is clad only in a loin cloth and his rippling muscles gleam with an oil that will make it difficult to keep a grip on him. You must defeat him in unarmed combat in order to be allowed to undertake the spiritual test which will show whether you are ready to become a Grandmaster. Gorobei turns to you and bows and you return the courtesy. The Grandmaster of the Dawn reminds you that this is not a fight to the death and you may not use Inner Force. He signals for you to begin. Gorobei advances warily across the polished granite floor, his big hands ready to grapple you. Will you:

  • Feint a punch and then use the Leaping Tiger kick.
  • Pretend to grapple but instead use the Cobra Strike jab.
  • Raise your foot as if to kick but side-step and use the Whirlpool throw.
  • Or, If you are an Acrobat, you may wish to somersault to Gorobel’s side before attacking.
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