SP - General Less raiding, more extortion.

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Since the player has the options to pay off bandits and to extort caravans rather than fight them it would be nice to see these options used by bandit parties against caravans too.
So rather than always attacking them, when a bandit party encounters a caravan on the world map there could be a chance (depending on relevant strength of the parties with a some randomness thrown in) that the caravan will lose gold and the caravan owner will take a small hit rather than have the caravan be attacked and completely destroyed.
If this was implemented for the AI it would also be nice to see the player be able to set the "defensiveness" of their caravans, as in how likely they are to pay off raiders rather than fight. Might make caravans more worthwhile, so far any time I've bothered with them they just get destroyed before they make any real money (haven't tried them for a few patches though I must admit).
Since the player has the options to pay off bandits and to extort caravans rather than fight them it would be nice to see these options used by bandit parties against caravans too.
So rather than always attacking them, when a bandit party encounters a caravan on the world map there could be a chance (depending on relevant strength of the parties with a some randomness thrown in) that the caravan will lose gold and the caravan owner will take a small hit rather than have the caravan be attacked and completely destroyed.
If this was implemented for the AI it would also be nice to see the player be able to set the "defensiveness" of their caravans, as in how likely they are to pay off raiders rather than fight. Might make caravans more worthwhile, so far any time I've bothered with them they just get destroyed before they make any real money (haven't tried them for a few patches though I must admit).
Caravans in the later stages of the game especially are just not worth it. At some point there are bandit parties roaming around of 60+, no matter how good the upgraded caravans are, they just get got. Giving them a sack of gold to fend some bandits off could be an interesting option to keep these caravans a little longer on the road.
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