Less Loot?

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Is it just me, or when you have a large party, do you get considerably less loot from battles? When i would solo a large group, i would usually get an entire inventory screen full of stuff, 20+ items sometimes. But with a large party, i rarely get more than 5... Is there a reason for this? Maybe the idea that you're "dividing the spoils from the battle"? If thats the case, why do i pay them? Don't tell me they get commission too!! gah! lousy good for nothing little %$#^@! :grin:
I'm pretty sure that you only get the loot from units that You kill. Therefore with a party of 20+ you get a lot less. So yeah they do get a comission. Hell, with the amount you pay them, it's not surprising they loot corpses :smile: .
Armagan posted about this elsewhere, the loot is relative to the difficulty of the combat (the less people you have on your side, the harder the combat).
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