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Leaders name: Kragen
Leaders steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kragenftw
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Clan name:Egoria
Leaders name: Leopold(sednan) & Bawo
Leaders steam: given  to chaff
Players:30-45 ish
Clan name: 44th Regiment of Foot (NW exx dee)
Leaders name: Wolfster // 44th_Capt_Edwin_Parker
Leaders steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRealWolfster/
Players: 15 - 20
Hannibaru said:
This thread gave me aids

It is generally not advised to have sexual intercourse with forum threads, no matter how attractive you find them. But, it is advised to notify of your medical condition to possible sex partners before you have intercourse with him/her, but let it be the last time you decide to do that in public here in forums.
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