Left or Right Handed?

Left or Right?

  • Left

    Votes: 20 18.7%
  • Right

    Votes: 73 68.2%
  • Ambidextrous

    Votes: 11 10.3%
  • Amputated, Dexter!

    Votes: 3 2.8%

  • Total voters

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Left or Right handed?​

I'm a southpaw. I'm not exactly anything special, but I love reading the Yahoo-answers questions. Some people take things so seriously, about how they're ruined because of their handedness, how they need to fix themselves to function properly. Hilarious.

My brother and I are both left handed. That makes 2/5 in the family left handed. Et vous?
Writers hand? Never heard of it. I assume its when your hand gets all smudgy? Eh, yep, I've gotten it before.
Yeah, I'd hate to be left-handed. Statistically, though unrelated, left-handed people live shorter than right-handed people.  :smile:  Most left handed people I know (all 3 of them) get frustrated when they write alot at school.

Fall of Denial said:
Most left handed people I know (all 3 of them) get frustrated when they write alot at school.

Guess what. My sister was so sick of being left-handed, that she's now trying to learn using her right hand, playing MnB. :grin:
Fall of Denial said:
Yeah, I'd hate to be left-handed. Statistically, though unrelated, left-handed people live shorter than right-handed people.  :smile:  Most left handed people I know (all 3 of them) get frustrated when they write alot at school.

Heh, I don't like handwriting alot, its true. That being said, since 1929 there have been at least 6 left handed presidents and only 8 right-handed presidents. Quite shocking when 90-93% of adults are right handed.

It must mean we're great liars.
Elenmmare said:
Heh, I don't like handwriting alot, its true. That being said, since 1929 there have been at least 6 left handed presidents and only 8 right-handed presidents. Quite shocking when 90-93% of adults are right handed.

It must mean we're great liars.

Obama is left handed, according to Wikipedia.
Fall of Denial said:
  Most left handed people I know (all 3 of them) get frustrated when they write alot at school.

Yeah... It sucks when your hand gets all black because you kind of push the pencil hand it on what you write, instead of pulling the pencil from right side of the text.

Yeah, Im left-handed. It doesn't really bother me, unless Im writing a lot writing.
I'm ambidextrous as well. The statistics are not reliable, as many ambidextrous would become "right-handed" since it's the norm.
I'm right-handed, though I do some things opposite... like I hold my knife and fork as a left-handed person would. I can't write or draw with my left hand very well, but I can do fiddly little things, like fastening a clasp on a bracelet. And most of my hobbies require the equal use of both hands... horse riding, for example, requires equal hand control to give instructions to the horse, biking requires clutch with my left hand, throttle with my right hand. And iaido requires as much effort with the left as the right to keep from stabbing one's self. If I had to do something like hold a pen with my left or flip a pancake with my left, I'd be screwed though.
well, eh we already had something like that in mind of you, you only didn't had to clearify it xD
Left handed here. Never had any problems. I write so I don't smother the text.
And like Kobrag I also have the courtesy to use left hand for wanking,
and greet people with the right - the balance of the universe is intact that way  :smile:
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