Left or Right handed...

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Sir Gillits

There should be an option at the beginning to allow you to chose if your character is left or right handed, as this would affect which side of the horse you can shoot a bow/couch your lance on. I'm not sure how difficult this would be to implement though.
hi guys decided to bump this thread to life once again, was going to post something on the same lines but found this old one .

Noticed how its harder (while mounted) to strike a enemy on your left, the sword is the best example since it is held differently while attacking a left target.

While it seems natural  since your MB character is right handed i keep wondering about left handed players, wont this be a bit unfair to them? to my understanding they are either forced to use a right sided attack which might not feel so natural to them or use a less efficient left attack.

Again i understand why attacking the opposite side should be harder and i would go even further by saying there should be a penalty on the given damage with certain weapons, but why not give the option to create a left handed character? Surely this should be more natural and fair to left handed players?

Any left handed players out there with something to say?

I totally agree. Stop this discrimation. Left-handed fencers are quite a challenge for right-handed ones. And left-handed swordplay is a bit different from right-handed... Yeah, it sould be so in game, me thinks.
Of course we are talking about a time period when lefties were often forced to do things right-handed - and beaten (or in extreme cases killed) if they did not, as left-handedness was seen across large parts of europe as a sign of the devil.  Did you know that "Sinister" means left-handed?

In short? I don't think its worth reversing all the animations for what is essentially a cosmetic change. The game is more than playable as it is and there are many, many more important and profound aspects left to expand, add and improve.
are you left handed ? i will guess not otherwise you would find it quite important but i still understand what you mean those guys do look sinister...
Left handedness was rare in the middle ages for the reasons above. I t was seen as the devil's influence. Normal practice for left handed children was to have their left hand bound so they were forced to use their right, thus making it a natural reaction to use their right.

Its a good idea for other games, but its pointless and less realistic for a game like this.
Bugman said:
Left handedness was rare in the middle ages for the reasons above.

yes but they are quite common nowadays its not about making Left handed NPCs its only for left handed players to use. Obviously right handed players wont use it so the game will remain historically accurate for them.

This is not just an fancy pointless feature is something that will make the game battle mechanics way more natural for left handed people.       

As far as I see it, khergits, for example aren't christian, so they obviously won't have such prejudices against left-handers... Slav-like vaegirs won't have them either... So, personally i don't see ane reason not to implement this feature.
I think that's not bad idea, but might be difficult to fight in the game. You'll have to use your mouse in different way to swing weapon in direction you want to :smile: Or maybe I'm just worryin' too much :wink:
They did, because otherwise the weapons should be manufractured in a different way. (Putting arrows over your shoulder, bows, Balanced weapons for right-handed men)

But for the sake of gameplay, do it for those poor left-handers!
Well, if you tried to fire most modern weapons left-handed (I am one of those sinister folk by the way) you'd be getting hot casing in your face, so using your right hand in combat is still prevalent today.
Making a left handed character would mean making new models and animations for every character choice, and going through the whole bug catching procedure again. Thats a lot to ask. I agree with GaGrin that there are a lot of other things I would rather see first.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
The music term sinistra dextranum, in piano anyway, means to play left-handed.  Anywho, yeah, if it would require rehasing all of the models, it ain't no big thing.  Primarily left-handed myself, but we're used to Righty's oppresive world.  :razz:
Implementing this would not require new animations, as the existing ones could simply be mirrored. However, as already mentioned, this would be utterly incorrect for the period. While the ancient Romans appreciated left-handedness as an exciting quality for a gladiator to have this far-sightedness was seemingly lost by the middle ages, when things that were seen as going "against nature" were frowned upon or even feared. Medieval people were far more suspicious than modern people (where superstition often goes no further than believing in ghosts or avoiding the number 13).

I'd also question it feeling more natural to left-handed gamers. A scant few games allow left-handed orientation (Counter-Strike is one I can think of) and hardly any have it by default (The Legend of Zelda series being the primary and probably only example), so to a left-handed gamer it might actually be slightly unnatural to have a game able to work this way, even though it is actually correct for them as far as the real world is concerned. Certainly when playing Zelda games I never felt that Link held the sword in the "wrong" hand, despite me being right-handed and these being the only games I have played with a left-handed character, and I'm only rarely consciously aware that he is even holding it differently; this may well be the case for left-handed players of right-handed games. I would compare this feature suggestion to those women who occasionally complain (very loudly) about how RPGs are all "male-centered" and that they are "unable" to play them because they cannot "relate" to being a man; when it comes down to it players are often nothing like the on-screen persona, and this can extend to both gender and handedness.

Another thing to consider is that, if this were implemented, some players (right-handed or otherwise) would choose this option to gain a perceived unfair advantage against right-handed foes, thus artificially increasing the number of "sinister" Calradians. :razz:
It's very rare to find a game where the player character is right or left handed. It would make the game very unique. Always a good thing.
Darian said:
I would compare this feature suggestion to those women who occasionally complain (very loudly) about how RPGs are all "male-centered" and that they are "unable" to play them because they cannot "relate" to being a man; when it comes down to it players are often nothing like the on-screen persona, and this can extend to both gender and handedness.

Now that you mention it i want one faction to be ruled by a QUEEN the swadians look suitbale enough, they always looked too proud of their fancy shiny armors anyway :smile: i swear i saw one seating sideways on his horse the other day. 

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