Latest version... Battle error

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Happens all the time...
Any idea?
I didn't know about it.
It sometimes happens when I don't tell them too...Can they not get on and off horses of their own account either?
um *thinks a lot*
I have messed around mount/unmount orders on the number panel for a while now and never had such a bug. In fact, I have had the game for over a month now, raised a character to almost level 30, tried about everything I could and never had a single bug... Do I have the ideal system or what?
J.A.R.S. said:
um *thinks a lot*
I have messed around mount/unmount orders on the number panel for a while now and never had such a bug. In fact, I have had the game for over a month now, raised a character to almost level 30, tried about everything I could and never had a single bug... Do I have the ideal system or what?
I have never either encountered such bug.
From my experience, the error occurs most when your troops are in water, whether or not the horse is.

I haven't nailed down the actual permanent condition that causes it. It *can* happen when everyone's on dry land, but it's less likely.
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