Late game

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I'm very late in the game, at about 1600 in-game days, running my own kingdom, with only one other kingdom on the map as well. I've gone around the entire map and checked nearly every single Tavern in my spare time, and I haven't found any companions in them that have previously left my party due to an unwelcome company of companions, years ago. And I'm really in need of more vassals, as most have left the realm. Why is this happening? Also, is there a way to request your former companions turned vassals to rejoin your personal ranks?
Once companions have been given land they act as party leaders, I don't think there is a way to get them back.
And when a lord owns no land, their relation with liege decreases over time and they will leave their faction (treason or defection). After they have tried their luck in all factions they simply leave the realm because they have nowhere else to go - unless you already have your own kingdom before they leave. In that case they will try to become your vassals. Depending on the mod the settings may allow you to let them come back from exile or not (camp menu)
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