Lancing and weapon speed

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I've been using a great lance for combat, and it is wonderful because of the reach. However, after a kill, the avatar will bring it to the vertical before putting it back into the couched position. Would switching to a vanilla lance or even a spear make this process faster, or does the weapon speed only affect thrusting speed?
I think speed affects both but I'm not sure.

You can use the editor to change the stats of weapeons if you want but thats not very fun if you do it alot.
It's more the speed of your horse.

Try Mag 7 mod. With the champion courser, I did 3 couched hits with a great lance on a single run. The lance just went down almost instantly after a hit.
Even in the vanilla game I've had a few double hits with the lance...
Fast horse helps and not bumping into the first target head on, you want to 'glide' past...
Aiming a lance in 1st person helps a fair bit, but I find if I stay in 1st P too long i get motionsick... Only game it's ever happened in... :shock:
Game can be a bit too real. I personally like 3rd person better. I can see the lance tip just fine and can clear obstables etc. easier in 3rd person.
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