lancers armor

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correct me if im wrong, but didn't some heavy armours have a specific hook in them, against which the lance could be placed. if so, i just thought would be a nice addon. nothing crucial but just some more eyecandy.
again, im no specialist in armours, but i'd like to learn more, so please feel free to correct me.

maybe it could be called lancers platemail or something like that?
I'm not saying that there isn't such a thing, but truthfully I have never heard of one.

I googled it for a bit and didn't find anything there either, but since I'm not entirely sure what it might be called ... it would be harder to find that way. Anyone else heard of this?
It's called a lance rest. :razz: Example

they were developed in the 15 century and resulted in a renaissance for the mounted knight, who suddenly became much more effective again.
They are bolted or pinned to the breastplate -almost any breastplate will do. They were often foldable, so they could be tucked out of the way and not interfere with right arm movement.

There were other types with an additionl cradle that held down the end of the lance, allowing for much longer lances. IIRC, these were only used in tournies, as they really impede your ability to fight

However they cannot be attatched to maille, brigandines, lammelar, coats of plate, padded jacks or any other non-rigid armor.

Say... I wonder if wearing one of the two plate armours should automatically give you an increased polarm proficiency bonus. Say, 15-25 points or so. Or increased lance dammage... maybe 2-5 points
By the way... a question I'm asking myself, since a while... when using the crouched lance, how is the polearm skill affecting your ability with it? A bit more damage? faster to 'crouch' the lance? Anyone know?
Destichado said:

Say... I wonder if wearing one of the two plate armours should automatically give you an increased polarm proficiency bonus. Say, 15-25 points or so. Or increased lance dammage... maybe 2-5 points

Or maybe possibility to couch the polearm regardless of what speed your running, along with a damage bonus? :wink:
This is one situation where adding in "magic" bonuses actually is a good idea. Plate armor with lance rest gives a bonus to couched lance damage.
Yes but wouldnt that be quite unnecessary? i mean when you lance someone at the moment you almost always deliver enough damage to kill the enemy? But i guess its a matter of taste, but i'd go for "ability to couch regardless of speed" :wink:
As long as the damage is severely reduced. A guy on a three legged horse wanders by, taps you on the shoulder with a pitchfork and you crumple dead.
quixotecoyote said:
As long as the damage is severely reduced. A guy on a three legged horse wanders by, taps you on the shoulder with a pitchfork and you crumple dead.

LOL, i agree, it would be only worth when surrounded by enemies when you cant pickup speed and are desperate.
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