Lance Tip target

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Now this may seem like a wussy request, but for some reason I find it hard to see where the tip of my lance is going, especially with the long Great lances. There are many a time where I swear I've put my lance through an enemies head and I end up missing it completly.

Maybe not so much as a change in gameplay, possibly a simple mod? Just a dot (Possibly the red one from the Bow crosshair) just to show where the tip of your lance/spear is going.
I know about moving the lance up and down (Figured that out last night when I killed a horse instead of the Vaegir :???: )

By guides, do you mean Tips on Lancing, or actual guides on the screen?
Guides on the screen, they look like random hobos put they will pop up obscuring parts of the screen pointing in the direction the lance should be gonig to the nearest enemy.
Very annoying especialy after you lance someone when they do this disturbing dance.
Aha! Never quite understood what they were there for :smile: Would still be nice if you could illuminate the lance tip. (I'm so blind :eek: )

One of these days I should re-install my CoD:UO and have a nice game of Base assualt with you Prince :wink:
I'd like the idea of a little illumination on the tip of the lance. I don't feel that its particularly 'gamey'.....after all, IRL you'd be able to see th tip of your lance just fine. With the camera angles and degradation of colour quality you get in games I don't think its too much to ask.
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