Lance Orientation/Weapon attacks/Unregulated Arena

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This is sort of a half suggestion/half question. When charging downhill with a couched lance, anyone notice that its pretty much useless? The lance either barely skims over the heads of angry people with pain sticks or misses them by a mile, why not make it so the lance orients itself to be parallel with the landscape? Kinda sucks that a downhill charge only really works when the enemy is still on flat ground at the bottom.

Also, the Awlpike and the Polehammer, why does the Awlpike have a swing attack, and the Polehammer have a thrust attack? Kinda defeats the purpose of the weapons, with the Awlpike, I want stabby to piss off those horsemen, and with the Polehammer, I want a weapon that feels like you could send a guy flying 15 feet with a swing. Theres my $0.02.

As for a new Arena, I was thinking it would be cool if there was an 'Unregulated Arena'. Instead of fighting with a 'kit' you'd be able to bring your own stuff in, and instead of other fighters with 'kits' of their own, you could end up facing a Dark Knight, or any other unit in the game at random. Higher betting limits where betting 300 would get a higher probability of lower class units, and betting 2000 would get a higher probability of higher class units like Dark Knights, Hired Blades or Sword Sisters and the teams could be unbalanced (Like you alone against a buncha DKs).
Yea that lance thing i find pretty annoying....

I like the idea of an unregulated arena could bring some intresting...battles
I think it is reasonable for polehammer to have thrust attack, but that's just me. Downhill charging... can't remember if I managed to hit anyone, but if it is as you say, your suggestion is excellent.
Yeah, if you notice, when going downhill the lance stays pointing out horizontally rather than pointing downhill. Probably couldn't hurt to have it follow a turn too. As for the polehammer, all I know is when I'm outside working on my armour, the only time I thrust with my sledgehammer is when the head starts to fall off. Now of the polehammer's thrust caused the victim to be pushed backwards, THEN its useful.
I don't know about polehammer, but modern sledgehammers could be used to thrust effectively. A quick hit to the abdomen results in a winded enemy, and another thrust to the jaw in a broken jaw bone. Thrusting would be somewhat quicker than swingin, not as lethal tho.
ilex said:
I don't know about polehammer, but modern sledgehammers could be used to thrust effectively. A quick hit to the abdomen results in a winded enemy, and another thrust to the jaw in a broken jaw bone. Thrusting would be somewhat quicker than swingin, not as lethal tho.

you know a lot about this subject. i should probably visit Varjakka :smile:
Also I forgot that, when thrusting the weapon loses some of its lenghtadvantege. In skin-to-skin closecombat thrusting would be more useful than swing, for in swing only the shaft would hit, but when using thrust you grap it nearly from the hitting end, and thus make it easier to hit in close combat.
i should probably visit Varjakka
Can't recommend, it is pretty dangerous in here with these sledgehammer-swinging-maniacs and all. :wink:
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