Lance adjustment

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How about using the mouse wheel to raise or lower the couched lance hieght?? I keep waving over the head of troops in depressions...
THe level aim of the lance IS controlled by the mouse, as is all of the game's weapons you can up up or down by, aiming up or down. While Lancing you can aim downwards to take out a horse or a footsoldier.

You suggest what already is =D
Thanks for the suggestions, but I know you CAN aim with the mouse by looking down, I am just interested in another option, I like to look ahead :wink:
actually aiming lance downwards/upwards with the mouse wheel might be more convinient. I would have a try if this was possible.

if you are heading downhill and use the couched lance, unless you are looking down, you tend to wave the lance over the enemies head. Looking down lowers the lance head, but then you can't see where you are going to line up the next victim...
If you are going downhill looking down would then BE forward right... Ive never had toruble seeing and poking with my couched lance, going downhill, uphill or jumping over rocks.
Then you are a better man than I. I often am too busy looking forward to look down and wave the lance over their heads. It's not a big deal, just circle around and try again (or pull out a axe and hack'em, depending on the crowd), but it would be nice to have a little finer control. Besides, it's not like the mouse wheel is doing anything else...
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