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I'm having problems with this mod lagging badly , both on campaign map and in battles ( I can't do anything in battles because of the lag) - every 5 s or so I have like 2s freezes.Yet I know that my computer specs are enough : quad pentium , 8 GB ram, 1Gb Nvidia video.I can play vanilla without any problem and a lot of other graphicaly demanding games, maxed even.
I've set everything to minimum in this mod , yet it's still lagging. Seems do me like it's doing some background intensive processing , even while I'm in battle otherwise I can't explain those spikes.
Can you help with some settings perhaps , some ini parameters or something will let me play the mod ?
Thank you.
LE:game is v1.132, mod is 0.95pre10 + patch.
Another thread said it's compatible( thread called "Outdated version").
Anyway , for everybody to know, restarting the game once every 30 min. or maybe more (?) seems to solve the lag during the fights.
Maybe some leaks do happen and memory gets scarce, I don't know.I thoght the information might help.
Hello there,

to uncheck the bloodthingy (sorry I'm currently in siege mode and can't look it up) in the game options reduced my lag. So even after the worst battle my knight looks all clean and shiny, but, oh well...

Found this hint somewhere else and it may be worth a try.

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