Lagg in Wings 3D

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How to reduce lagg?

I have got an objet with only 230 faces and the program is lagged!

Some advice?,64.0.html
... or better yet...

This forum is generally for technical support with the game, not a 3rd party program. :razz: I can tell you off the bat I can think of at least 12 different things that could be causing you lag. There's no way anyone here should be able to help you with that without an extensive understanding of when it occurs, how it occurs, your system specs, is it repeatable, what have you tried, have you visited the official forums... and so on and so on.
Oh, thanks for the links, I'm sorry for post here, I wasn't sure for where post!
Goromous said:
No problemo, friend.  :smile:

No, no problem at all. I just don't think anyone here will be able to help you. There's too many possibilities that unless something specific is happening (not just general lag) then who knows what it could be:

- Processor overloading
- System overheating
- Memory (not enough of)
- Memory (faulty)
- Spyware/Adware
- Viruses
- Background processes
- etc
- etc
- etc

You get the point.
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