lag issues

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here is my setup:

amd athlon 64 3200+ (939 pin)
1.5 gigs of ram
nvidia geforce 6800

now, i can play hl2, doom 3, and any other game without any fps problems or lag issues, but mount and blade for some reason likes to drop to 6 or 7 or even 1 fps every minute or so.
I had some troubles like that but only happens when there's 20+ knights on my screen, just kill the fricking bastards and you'r FPS will rise yet again :twisted:

AMD Athlon
512mb ram
ATi radeon 96/pro

Need a new system, argh!
Close anything running in the background

Check for spyware \ viruses too.

Could be worth switching to task manager when it happens and trying to track down where all of the resources are going to.
Yeah, sometimes fps drops dramatically with no obvious reason.

Alt-tabbing out and then back in the game seems to bring it back to normal.
all of your suggestions either don't apply or don't work. Alt tabbing, i do it all the time neway and doesn't do a thing. with nothing running in the background it still lags. there is no spyware or nething else like that and even if there was somehow it would lag other things, but my problem is just with mount and blade
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