Ladder Balancing in MP/SP

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In Warband, people have the uncanny ability to get on a ladder, climb up, and magically attack and defend while climbing.
This is kinda unrealistic. People should not be able to climb up the ladder to rescue while shooting and reloading his trusty siege crossbow at angry hordes of barbarians. Also, people shouldn't be able to use shields, I mean both your hands would be on the ladder, right?
What I propose is adding a sort of "climbing" state when moving on a ladder. When you stop on the ladder, THEN you can pull out your shield and xbow/sword maybe, but it would be sheathed automatically when returning to climbing again. This would make the game realistic and maybe make it more balanced, after all people climbing ladders would be easier for the archers to shoot down while not having a shield equipped.
A relatively small shield would certainly be usable when on a ladder, I think.

Edit; I do agree though. Ladders as they are now are fruity and unreal.
Have you ever played total war series up from Rome:TW? No? Then I can tell you that it's possible and more, very easy to use your shield while climbing the ladder Climbing with one hand isn't hard, you know?
KuroiNekouPL said:
Have you ever played total war series up from Rome:TW? No? Then I can tell you that it's possible and more, very easy to use your shield while climbing the ladder Climbing with one hand isn't hard, you know?

Using shield while climbing? Thaz awright wif me. But using shield and a freaking sword at the same time?

"Look ma! No hands!"

I don't think anyone can manage that feat.
it would depend on the grade at which the ladder is placed to the wall. if it is close to 90 degrees, then u would have to use both hands, but if it is not too steep and the width of the rung is big enough you could free- or at least one-handedly climb it. for example the ladders used in todays households enable the user to carry stuff in both his hands.

in case the ladder was changed in your favour, then the siege would have to offer a lot more options for the attacker to keep the game balanced.
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