Lack of ways to improve relations with lords

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One of the most frustrating things about Bannerlord is the sheer lack of character-interactions. This is most apparent when trying to improve relations with lords you want to be on friendly terms with. Here's a few ways I know of:

1. Do quests from them. This can be annoying, especially when the lord isn't offering any quests. I notice that lords with with only castles and no towns, never give quests.
2. Give them gifts, which feels completely arbitrary. I don't know what dictates how much they like a gift. I've given poor clans 100k+ and gotten no relation gains, while given incredibly rich clans 2k and gotten 5 relations. Gifting them prisoners also feels arbitrary.
3. Vote with them in kingdom decisions. Pretty reliable, but only possible if you're actually a part of their kingdom.
4. Be at war and relentlessly hunt down their party every time they respawn and release them after fighting them. Very cheesy.
5. Assisting in battles, which provides like +1 relations, so it's completely pointless.
6. Clearing hideout with that one charm(?) perk. Some fiefdoms don't spawn bandit hideouts as far as I know, or at the very least it's incredibly rare.
7. Playing one of the mini-games with them and winning. Just no. I appreciate the variety, but I don't understand why this is even in the game.

Am I missing anything here? I feel like with powerful lords with lots of territory (like faction leaders), it's comparatively easy to raise relations, because they have a lot of quests and have large territories with bandit hideouts you can clear out. But smaller lords? It feels borderline impossible raising to any significant levels. They don't have quests, and their territories (if they even have any) are too small to have bandit hideouts. Why can't I dedicate tournaments, or join them in feasts, or maybe just do a little persuasion mini-game to talk with them and raise relations? It doesn't feel like there's any natural way to actually build a friendship with anyone, and I always feel like I'm cheesing the mechanics to eek out a slight relation-gain. I find myself hating my friends more than my enemies lol.

Apologies for the ramble, but I'm just incredibly frustrated by this, and I assume I'm not the only one that feels this way. Has taleworlds made any announcements on whether or not character-interactions will receive any updates before release?
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50 charm skill warlord adds up a lot over time.
Bust their clan mates out of prisoner is a big chunk.
Get married is a big one.
Has taleworlds made any announcements on whether or not character-interactions will receive any updates before release?
I don't think so, only vague "working on everything".
Be at war and relentlessly hunt down their party every time they respawn and release them after fighting them. Very cheesy.
This is you bread and butter if you want a lot of relations.

What do you want relations for though? I feel like they also haven't added anything useful for it.
Gifting them prisoners is als

I think for this to work you must give one of their enemies, seen in their encyclopedia page, and is a pretty big gain, my main way to increase relation early with my kingdom pals. As for updating, nothing have been said, but who knows, they have come with other things without previous announcement.
I think for this to work you must give one of their enemies, seen in their encyclopedia page, and is a pretty big gain, my main way to increase relation early with my kingdom pals. As for updating, nothing have been said, but who knows, they have come with other things without previous announcement.
No, its not a matter of their relationship.

It is based on
- the prisoners status; noble, clanleader, king
- the personal traits of the prisoner vs. the clanleader you are donating the prisoner to; where opposing traits gives a bonus and common traits gives a penalty.

This at least was true for 1.64. Donating prisoners in 1.65 did not work at all. In 1.7 it appears to work again, but is broken so you can essentially gain infinite relationship/charm xp.
Don't forget emissaries, if you leave a companion in a town he/she will improve relations with not only notables but also the town's owning clan, even a 0 charm companion can be effective, I don't know if stacking multiple companions in same town will do anything, but if you have 3-4 companions solely dedicated to staying in towns after a few months you will be pretty popular with many lords.
Not only that, I don't know if this is intentional, but leaving companions in towns makes them not cost upkeep at all, so you can get as much as your limit allows without worrying about their high upkeep.
4. Be at war and relentlessly hunt down their party every time they respawn and release them after fighting them. Very cheesy.
This could be easily fixed in that when you force a Lord into combat you lose some relation with them. So you can't farm relations by literally attacking them.

But smaller lords? It feels borderline impossible raising to any significant levels. They don't have quests, and their territories (if they even have any) are too small to have bandit hideouts. Why can't I dedicate tournaments, or join them in feasts, or maybe just do a little persuasion mini-game to talk with them and raise relations? It doesn't feel like there's any natural way to actually build a friendship with anyone, and I always feel like I'm cheesing the mechanics to eek out a slight relation-gain. I find myself hating my friends more than my enemies lol.

Apologies for the ramble, but I'm just incredibly frustrated by this, and I assume I'm not the only one that feels this way. Has taleworlds made any announcements on whether or not character-interactions will receive any updates before release?
Yeah Castle Lords are a bit of a problem. Pretty much only way to boost relations is to give them Prisoners, at least this seems to work in-Kingdom for me. My latest playthrough had a clan that was 0 relation, donated like 3-4 prisoners and now my Relation is 60 with them lol.

Tournaments is definitely something that needs to happen, should be able to at dedicate a victory to a Character in that settlement be it a Lord or Notable. Right now about the only form of this is "Lady's Knight Out".

Some of the ways you gain Charm are just baffling to me; like how is it "Charming" to donate prisoners? Charm is something you should really get for being able to "sweet talk" characters. Like you said there should really be some sort of persuasion mini-game that let's you butter up characters i.e. you could compliment a Lord for taking a Castle and/or make small talk based on their traits. Something like this:

Player Character:
My lord/lady do you have a moment to talk?

Yes, go ahead.

Player Character:
(Pick a recent event to discuss)
I heard Clan Member defeated Lord _ in battle... (let's just use this as example for now)
I heard Clan Member won the tournament in _...
I heard Clan Member took Castle/Town _...
I heard Clan Member raided village _...
I heard Clan Member was recently married...
I heard Clan Member was recently born...

I heard Clan Member was defeated by Lord _ in battle...
I heard your Clan lost Castle/Town _ to Lord _...
I heard _ village was raided by Lord _...
I heard Clan Member recently died...

Yes, I/Clan Member defeated Lord _ in battle.

Player Character:
Ah! Is it not best to see the enemy driven before you? (Valor Check) (let's just use this as example again)
Unfortunate the battle could not be avoided. (Caution Check)
Such a shame, I hope Lord _ was not harmed. (Merciful Check)
I hope Lord _ learned his lesson. (Cruelty Check)


Lord (Player Character and Lord have Valor):
Yes, it is good! +3 Relation, Charm exp

Lord (Player Character has no Valor, Lord does):
And just what do you know about combat? -3 Relation

Lord (Lord does not have Valor):
No, I don't believe so. -1 Relation

Character interactions need a big overhaul. Probably one of the biggest sore spots in this game is how lifeless/robotic all the characters are. As an RPG it's quite poor in that respect. Really about the only thing that makes this an RPG currently is the Skill Trees. As is, Bannerlord is more of strategy/battle simulator then an RPG. I can only hope TW has a big patch coming, but given how slow development is with this game I'm not sure I can believe. Really where we are at now 2022, is where we should have been like a year ago 2021.
This could be easily fixed in that when you force a Lord into combat you lose some relation with them. So you can't farm relations by literally attacking them.

Yeah Castle Lords are a bit of a problem. Pretty much only way to boost relations is to give them Prisoners, at least this seems to work in-Kingdom for me. My latest playthrough had a clan that was 0 relation, donated like 3-4 prisoners and now my Relation is 60 with them lol.

Tournaments is definitely something that needs to happen, should be able to at dedicate a victory to a Character in that settlement be it a Lord or Notable. Right now about the only form of this is "Lady's Knight Out".

Some of the ways you gain Charm are just baffling to me; like how is it "Charming" to donate prisoners? Charm is something you should really get for being able to "sweet talk" characters. Like you said there should really be some sort of persuasion mini-game that let's you butter up characters i.e. you could compliment a Lord for taking a Castle and/or make small talk based on their traits. Something like this:

Player Character:
My lord/lady do you have a moment to talk?

Yes, go ahead.

Player Character:
(Pick a recent event to discuss)
I heard Clan Member defeated Lord _ in battle... (let's just use this as example for now)
I heard Clan Member won the tournament in _...
I heard Clan Member took Castle/Town _...
I heard Clan Member raided village _...
I heard Clan Member was recently married...
I heard Clan Member was recently born...

I heard Clan Member was defeated by Lord _ in battle...
I heard your Clan lost Castle/Town _ to Lord _...
I heard _ village was raided by Lord _...
I heard Clan Member recently died...

Yes, I/Clan Member defeated Lord _ in battle.

Player Character:
Ah! Is it not best to see the enemy driven before you? (Valor Check) (let's just use this as example again)
Unfortunate the battle could not be avoided. (Caution Check)
Such a shame, I hope Lord _ was not harmed. (Merciful Check)
I hope Lord _ learned his lesson. (Cruelty Check)

Lord (Player Character and Lord have Valor):
Yes, it is good! +3 Relation, Charm exp

Lord (Player Character has no Valor, Lord does):
And just what do you know about combat? -3 Relation

Lord (Lord does not have Valor):
No, I don't believe so. -1 Relation

Character interactions need a big overhaul. Probably one of the biggest sore spots in this game is how lifeless/robotic all the characters are. As an RPG it's quite poor in that respect. Really about the only thing that makes this an RPG currently is the Skill Trees. As is, Bannerlord is more of strategy/battle simulator then an RPG. I can only hope TW has a big patch coming, but given how slow development is with this game I'm not sure I can believe. Really where we are at now 2022, is where we should have been like a year ago 2021.
No, ask your self if you seriously want to do that with every single lord in the game; possibly even multiple times. It would become tedious after the first couple of times.

Donating prisoners is essentially just the reverse of the timehonored tradition of catch and releash. It is an improvement. It is a good deal more immesive than the kingdom of heaven stile "all my enemies love me, but my fellow vassals couldnt care less about me".
When 2 kingdoms are at war dont join them as merc. Travel to border castles and town and stage a breakout in the dungeon. You'll get like 30+ clan relationship
Having a good reputation (high renown/positive traits) should provide passive relation boost with nobles you talk to, to a greater extent than it does currently.
When 2 kingdoms are at war dont join them as merc. Travel to border castles and town and stage a breakout in the dungeon. You'll get like 30+ clan relationship
Or a dead hero.
The guardians in the prison break mission prefer to attack the prisoner.

The +30 relationship bonus comes with an risk, so not a good option to increase relation with a lord, the better method is by donating influence to them.
7. Playing one of the mini-games with them and winning. Just no. I appreciate the variety, but I don't understand why this is even in the game.
I remember being so hyped about this and the idea of culturally-different taverns and this having an impact on various things... just to see that it's flat-out non-existent, it really doesn't matter.

I'm still curious about where the dialogue will go, but i think we can say we know the answer already, and it's bad, sadly. I really wish more dialogue choices and the kind of character i choose to be to matter in the end (not only the much more interesting warbandesque sexism part)
I wish it mattered if we were honored, cruel or whatever... but the feeling is sooo bland and artificial.

Another thing that I wish were brought back in full force is the various information that you can ask from some npc's.. Like, in warband you can go to the guild-master and ask about topics in economy and the information he gives you was based on the world around... I know it's a kinda silly thing but for me makes all the difference between a dead world to a more lived-in, dynamic world...
I was also hyped about the idea of having customized weapons, like it could create some conflict between you and other lords or between themlselves, it could create entire wars... "you have the sword wich belonged to my great grand father!" and then were instantly enemies..
It was a nice pre-bannerlord dream hahahaha
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