Kudos to Devs!

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Since a friendly guy in our Forum opened a thread with the link to your game, many people have DL´ed M&B. I just wanted to share the link to that thread with you guys so you can see the positive effect it has had in our boards!!


You have a great game there, and most of us have allready bought it! :smile:

Lol, sorry for that. But fact is that i have been using this name for around 10 or so years now. And going even further in a LRPG my name was exactlly Lord Blade! :smile:

I can just say you have good taste in choosing your names! :wink:
I started playing D&D when I was 8.
My very first character was a Human Warrior named Blade.
I kept that character going for ages (all my friends had their characters too). We eventually became more or less a travelling group of uber heroes.
Blade ended up being more or less a Demi-God as well. :p
Our group (called the Dragon Riders, as the three main members each had a dragon mount), was led by Blade.
Eventually, we helped form a city called Haven. At this point, the entire group had managed to be granted eternal life (of course, being level 40+ at the time...).
Blade became the ruler of Haven. And his loving subjects always hailed him as Lord Blade.

(BTW... Haven was a town where ALL were welcome. Evil races as well, as long as they followed certain laws and such. So "Drizzt-esque" characters were easy to get started from there.
The town had a section called The Dark Quarter, which had a "roof" of sorts covering the whole section. It's where most of the nocturnal or subterranian races lived.
It was basically one of those "we can all live in peace" places. Hell, the head guards for the main gate we a Dwarf and Orc pair of blood-brothers.)
Hi Blade,

I had great fun reading that thread. Ferox here is from Darkfallonline too. I am very happy to see how much people are enjoying our game. :grin:
Heh! A Multiplayer would definitelly be great!!!

And M&B2 is a Great idea if it will incorporate MP!!

Good Going armagan!
Armagan , you have to tell us if they ask to hire you for progamming =)

jangang on http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?s=52ddd10b7843e43d235a279ae6e1edf1&t=12657&page=7&pp=15" said:
I agree though that RW should seriously consider highering this guy, as he obviously knows how to program combat in the style we hope DF will have.
they love youre game like we do=)
ba, both of you stop fighting about blade..... the word is frickin blade.... not like some rare word someone copied hehe.


lord blade

lord vader blade

blade lord

Hmm ya know Blade Lords might not be a bad name for the game heheh.

I still personally love the title of that old wicked game " Lords of Midnight".... hard to beat that one.
Yeah, sure, easy for you to say Ferox, with your name intact in every forum!!

..hehehe, it was only friendly banter though...........I think... :wink:
Go DF!

Not to mention, my name is never taken either. Had this name since I used to chat on the now defunct Mplayer years upon years ago.

Bwahaha. Goty am teh r0xx.
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