Knighthood order

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qaz1907 said:
i have a castle but i want create chapter of Knighthood order but i can't :evil: how is it create?


If you will direct your attention to our Wiki, I believe it will answer your questions in full.


Just be glad Misguided answered you before I caught you.

Doing a little research on your own had been to much, eh? For your upcoming questions about Quali Gems and how to acquire them: This has been answered several times within the first three pages of this forums content. Please refer to them or the wiki.

Thank you.
Here's some research...

Knights of the Dragon -  Better version of Ravenstern Knights.  Still sword and lance, so not very special.

- Lance
- Cross hilt noble sword
- Shield
- Charger
- Faceplate

Knights of the Lion - Okay so they don't carry warhammers, I'm sorry.  But they pack a pretty heavy punch.

- Bascinet
- Lance/Jousting Lance
- Morningstar
- Heavy Bastard Sword
- Lion Warhorse

Immortals - They're even more accurate than legionnaires with the throwing spears. Wreak havoc!

-Broad Head Throwing Spears
-Empire Broadsword
-Immortal Helmet

Windriders - Armored horse archers are a ***** to fight.....It's tough Jatu Raiders all over again.

-D'Shar Arrows
-Light Lance
-Heavy D'Shar Sabre
-D'Shar Bow
-D'Shar Courser/Hunter

Madame Valkyrie- Just better versions of regular valks....faster, a bit tougher...a bit harder.  And they throw stuff at you.

-Fierdsvain Longsword
-Fierdsvain Berserker Sword
-White Draped Warhorse

Knights of the Griffin - Lance & shield and sword.  Best lancers?

-Long Heavy Lance
-Silvered Longsword
-Ironbred Stallion

Knights of the Falcon - See above.

-Falcon Warhorse
-Long Heavy Lance
-Pendor Greatsword

Knights of the Raven Spear - Seem a bit inferior.....

-Blue Leather Draped Warhorse

Knights of the Radiant Cross - Reminds me of Hospitallers

-Black leather Draped Warhorse

Rangers of the Clarion Call - Speed of knights, horse archery of semi-D'Shar quality, and various melee weapons.  They're okay.

-Bodkin Arrows
-Black Iron Spear

Knights of the Dawn - Templar-ish, forgo the shield for lancing and 2-handed sword power.

-Heavy Long Lance
-Silvered Claymore
-White Draped Warhorse

Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet - Assault infantry with crossbows and mostly blunt weapons.  May have shields.

-Ravenstern Longsword
-Winged Mace
-Steel Bolts
-Siege Crossbow

Shadow Legion Centurions - Mounted legionnaires with lances and swords.  May not always spawn with throwing spear, and may be equipped with a shield.

-Empire Broadsword
-Long Knight's Lance
-Broad Head Throwing Spear
-Ironbred Stallion

Silvermists - Quite possibly the most popular and useful honor troop out there.  Noldor-wannabes with kickass armor and swords.

-Arrows (!!??)  (NO BODKINS!?  WTF?!)
-Silvered Claymore

Knights of the Unicorn -  These guys....seem like the poor man's honor troop.  No need for a Qualis or faction requirement.  Note the polehammers.

-Fierdsvain Longsword
-Polehammer (!!!!)
-Blue Draped Warhorse

extremely useful, thanks!!

So only knights of the Lion really use blunt weapons... time to get a slaver group going!  :mrgreen:
The blunt´s Knights of the Lion are wearing are a twosided sword, dont cut yourself. Low range, no shield = plenty of headshots. Once in range though, they will wreak havoc. But until the, they´re walking target practice for enemy archers and horse archers.
Vanquish said:
extremely useful, thanks!!

So only knights of the Lion really use blunt weapons... time to get a slaver group going!  :mrgreen:

What he said.  Thanks skitarii!

Vanquish, we may want some Ebony Gauntlet and their warhammers too
The first options I had with no qualis gem were Unicorn and Falcon Knights.  I took Falcon because it sounded more manly than Unicorn.  They are decent heavy cavalry, but after several upgrades they totally own everything.  Plus I like the yellow and black colors.  I'm sure all the orders own the field once you upgrade them,but I'm becoming quite attached to my galloping ass-kickers.

Does anyone use the Shadow Legion?  I didn't know they were mounted.  They sound pretty bad ass.  Maybe I'll check them out when I get another gem.  BTW just a friendly reminder to make sure you have an empty slot in your inventory when you capture one of the heroes.  I captured the Ironsword guy and set him free for a gem, empty slots means no gem.  And me screaming like Vader at the end of star wars  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Shadow legion centurions can't quite replace knights as heavy hitters, but they're still pretty fast in their own regard and enjoy ****ing up the enemy like the anaconda knights and cobra warriors do with their javelins.
Ok thanks for that man.  I have the Falcon who are steamrollers, and the Silvermist Rangers who are awesome with shooting pointy things at bad guys.  I'd think having a good foot troop would be a logical next step, although the thought of having medium javelin cavalry rushing in with the Falcon Knights would be truly frightening.

I don't want to get too many orders because I think it would water down my forces.  Maybe I can make room for 2 more if I ever win another heroic fight. 

Thanks PoP crew I'm all cracked out on M&B again. 
TBH I just purchased Silvermist, didn't bother with anything else (except what I get for free from Capitals.) Those shooty men are so good at most things (esp upgraded) that I now love them more than Shatner loves pudding...  :mrgreen:
A mix of upgraded Silvermist for siege work and pincushioning troops on the battlefield, with upgraded Falcon Knights for a good cav charge, with Knights of the Clarion Wotsit for a mix of both.
That's my current choice.
Expensive, but once you have a few towns it's easily affordable, and with this mix, you WILL have a few towns.
I am puzzled that I find both silvermist and clarion dudes in defending enemy castles, none of which have either order in them when I take them. I've never lost a fight and had any captured, only one town generated the silvermists (as far as I know) and I own it. It spices up a fight though...
That's because for some reason orders are supposed to spawn 2 troops per "chance" at the city/castle where the order is at, but sometimes the troops end up in the wrong location.

Exactly why I sometimes find Windriders in my castle at Rela Keep.
Yup.  Known issue, but waaaaaay down on the priority list.  As far as I can tell, something is not quite working right with the script that allows Orders to spawn troops on their own occasionally.


It does actually add something, seeing these rogue, "traitor" elite units defending enemy cities and castles. There's never loads of them, but you do get a nice frisson of fear when you see a silvermist ranger on the battlements taking aim at you...
I'd leave the "bug" in, and make it a "feature" were I you..

That's a great idea that should probably go in the "things you'd like to see in 3.0" thread.

Once we can pin down what is causing the rogue spawns of honor troops, we could actually harness that... make them part of the story.

"Some just don't make the grade, and are sent from the Chapter House in disgrace.  Most find employment in the garrisons of rich cities, where lords can afford the wages demanded by the top warriors in Pendor..."

Doesn't change much, but a GREAT added bit of atmosphere for the gameworld.


here is my take on the knights,

any order will do ONCE it has been massively upgraded! Key issue are the weapon skills which need to be >600 in order to rule the battlefield. The real difference is between mounted/foot or meelee/archers. Both can be obtained WITHOUT qualis gems, depending on which faction you play. Also, some orders are available in a specific location. I understand why everyone is so keen on the silvermist rangers but i find the Clarion Call superior as their armor is  better and they are mounted.

The only thing you really need is 100 Silvermists with their profeciencies upgraded to over 600. You can defeat any army with 0 losses and capture any town/castle with very few losses.

Just tell them to hold position on high ground then sit back and watch them slaughter enemy forces before they even come close. Doesn't matter if it is knights, huscarls, archers, mounted or foot soldiers or whatever. If you don't wanna feel completely useless order your mounted heroes and/or any cavalry you have to charge when the enemy gets close, so they distract them and the silvermists kill them even faster. BUt this is not really necessary

Actually the game becomes a bit boring after you get 100 silvermists :sad: And if you have a lot of party members with high trainer it is very easy to train gray archers. I get 6 gray archers from 40 armored bowmen in a day without fighting. for the previous ranks I only need a day for each rank.

I am feeling really useless :sad: It used to be that I wrecked havoc with my sapphire rune 2h sword and my bow. Battles were won against the odds by my sword, which is an awesome sword btw. 135 speed with 350 profeciency means you can kill 5 enemies without even blinking. but now, I don't even manage to kill an enemy before my silvermists kill them all. Only in sieges I kill a few. I think PoP endgame should be tweaked a bit to be made harder.
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