
As far back as beta M&B I have enjoyed playing as a Knight type character who usually joins the Swadians (which now is more interesting because if they fight more than two factions at once they are uber screwed and having to fight a southern and a northern faction is hard too since they are in the middle of the map).
My typical weapon load out for my Knight type character (when I can afford it obviously is as follows, also I will find the best modifiers if I can afford it but for my purposes here I will list the base item without the modifiers):
-Spiked Mace or Military Hammer
(basically a good one-handed blunt weapon for capturing people and because blunt weapons have a slight advantage against armor (not as much as piercing but more than cutting) I believe, if this is not true then please correct me).
-A Great Sword or Badiche
(this slot is for my long reach 2h weapon for when I want to gallop around cutting off heads, for most enemies I can one shot them with this since if I hit them right and have a decent Power Strike skill).
-Heavy Lance
(I started off with Pikes but then when you couldnt wield them on horseback anymore I went with the Heavy Lance, now couching is different and I am not as good at it anymore so I have recently started looking at the Lance or Light Lance to serve as a replacement as the Heavy Lance is just too slow to be much use outside of couching unless you have plenty of room with is usually not the case in a crowd of Swadian Knights).
-some kind of Kite Shield
(This one is more for aesthetic appeal and to keep my back side protected against those pesky ranged units, speed isnt so important to me as size but I cant use a Board Shield on horseback anymore so meh).
For Sieges I trade this equipment out for a Morning Star (or as I call it a medieval can opener for how well it works against heavily armored troops), a Heavy Crossbow (Siege is just too slow for me), a bag of large steel bolts, and sometimes a board shield though a Kite shield seems to get the job done most times too.
With the most recent versions I have encountered some notable problems with this layout. The Spiked Mace and Hammers are much shorter now than they used to be so I have to ride right up to the guy I want to knock out. That being said they still work well, especially when people are running away ^_^.
A bigger problem with with my 2-hander. I have tried the Great Sword and the Badiche (the longer one) in the most recent version and had mixed results. I think the Badiche is a bit better but like I said when you are in tight quarters which is usually the case, the badiche and other long weapons are severely limited in their use.
With the Heavy Lance, I found that couching is harder to do and so usually after the initial charge the lance is only used to poke the enemy horses in the bum till they fall down and turn their rider into slow ass infantry aka dead meat. Ive always like the reach of the Heavy Lance but now it just seems too slow to fulfill the previously mentioned horse ass poking needle-death roll. I have moved down to the Lance and so far it seems to be working well though its harder to couch with it somewhat.
Anyway I was hoping to maybe get some advice from other people on what sort of equipment layouts have worked for their mounted characters. One thing though, I am a crappy shot so I gave up the bow and arrow long ago so keep it to melee weapons please. Thank you in advance for your help.
My typical weapon load out for my Knight type character (when I can afford it obviously is as follows, also I will find the best modifiers if I can afford it but for my purposes here I will list the base item without the modifiers):
-Spiked Mace or Military Hammer
(basically a good one-handed blunt weapon for capturing people and because blunt weapons have a slight advantage against armor (not as much as piercing but more than cutting) I believe, if this is not true then please correct me).
-A Great Sword or Badiche
(this slot is for my long reach 2h weapon for when I want to gallop around cutting off heads, for most enemies I can one shot them with this since if I hit them right and have a decent Power Strike skill).
-Heavy Lance
(I started off with Pikes but then when you couldnt wield them on horseback anymore I went with the Heavy Lance, now couching is different and I am not as good at it anymore so I have recently started looking at the Lance or Light Lance to serve as a replacement as the Heavy Lance is just too slow to be much use outside of couching unless you have plenty of room with is usually not the case in a crowd of Swadian Knights).
-some kind of Kite Shield
(This one is more for aesthetic appeal and to keep my back side protected against those pesky ranged units, speed isnt so important to me as size but I cant use a Board Shield on horseback anymore so meh).
For Sieges I trade this equipment out for a Morning Star (or as I call it a medieval can opener for how well it works against heavily armored troops), a Heavy Crossbow (Siege is just too slow for me), a bag of large steel bolts, and sometimes a board shield though a Kite shield seems to get the job done most times too.
With the most recent versions I have encountered some notable problems with this layout. The Spiked Mace and Hammers are much shorter now than they used to be so I have to ride right up to the guy I want to knock out. That being said they still work well, especially when people are running away ^_^.
A bigger problem with with my 2-hander. I have tried the Great Sword and the Badiche (the longer one) in the most recent version and had mixed results. I think the Badiche is a bit better but like I said when you are in tight quarters which is usually the case, the badiche and other long weapons are severely limited in their use.
With the Heavy Lance, I found that couching is harder to do and so usually after the initial charge the lance is only used to poke the enemy horses in the bum till they fall down and turn their rider into slow ass infantry aka dead meat. Ive always like the reach of the Heavy Lance but now it just seems too slow to fulfill the previously mentioned horse ass poking needle-death roll. I have moved down to the Lance and so far it seems to be working well though its harder to couch with it somewhat.
Anyway I was hoping to maybe get some advice from other people on what sort of equipment layouts have worked for their mounted characters. One thing though, I am a crappy shot so I gave up the bow and arrow long ago so keep it to melee weapons please. Thank you in advance for your help.