Knights Of the Round Table, 1953
Richard Taylor as a knightly, but uncharacteristicly
chaste Lancelot, and Mel Ferrer as the best King Arthur
EVAR. Even though they butchered the story, they still mannaged to stay truer to Arthurian ledgend than any move except Excalabur.
And since Excalabur had its own weird **** going on with the pseudo-pagan fertility cult god-king substitution, you might even say KOTR is even closer to the legend as it was told. It's certainly a better movie.
As for Kingdom of Heaven, I'm content to wait for the DVD. I did the same for Troy, and I'm glad I did. I'll never forgive Troy for BUTCHERING the greatest epic of all time, torching the plot, pissing on the ashes and marketing the soot.
...although, Brad Pit DID nail Achillies so dead-to-rights that it was scarey. Every time I re-read the Illiad and see Achilles acting like a bi-polar demigod, I think of Brad Pitt, and it actually works.